Chapter 6 Reconciliation

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"Don't you think we should contact the police?", Dahyun yelled as the girls ran down the streets.

"They'll make the situation even bigger! And we can't let Tzuyu's parents know about this! They'll kill us!", said Nayeon.

"This way! There's a shortcut!", Jeongyeon turned the corner.

Jeongyeon lead the way with Jihyo and MiMoSa trailing close behind. 

"There! I see the van!"

The girls ran over to the black van and searched inside of it. 

"There's no one in there!", Jihyo yelled.

"Damn it!"

MiMoSa ran inside the building that the van was parked at. 

"Hey wait!"

"Is she in there?", Nayeon panted.

"No, she must be in the building. Those three already went in", said Jeongyeon.

"I'm going in to-"

"No! You stay here. It's dangerous in there"

"But Tzuyu!"

"Let those three handle it! They know what they're doing"

"How do you know?! I still don't trust them!"

"Nayeon. Sana is there. This will prove whether she truly cares for Tzuyu or not"

The building was old and left in a wreck like it had been abandoned during construction. MiMoSa ran up the broken escalator and searched around for Tzuyu. 

"Where is Mr Chou?!"

A voice echoed through the building. MiSaMo quietly ran towards the voice and found the two men inside one of the rooms interrogating Tzuyu who was tied up to a chair.

"Why do you wanna know?", Tzuyu scoffed.

"Don't try to act smart. You'll regret it. Now answer my question. Where is Mr Chou?!"

"Mr Chou?", the girls looked at each other in shock.

Tzuyu spat at the man.

"You bitch!"

The man slapped Tzuyu hard on the face. Sana tried to run in but MiMo stopped her.

"Look's like she isn't going to talk", said the man.

"Yeah. Let's force it out of her"

The man pulled out a pair of pliers.

"This is your last chance", the man smirked.

"We have to help her!", Sana whispered.

"What do we have here?"

The girls turned around to see another man standing behind them. 


Momo kicked him in the leg, almost blowing out his knee while Mina picked up a piece of timber laying on the floor. She broke it against his head, stunning him as Sana rammed into his stomach. The man crashed against the railing, gagging from the impact. Due to the building's ruined state, the railing broke off and the man fell down from the second floor to his death.

"What was that?"

"Go check it out"

MiSa went around to the other entrance of the room as the man walked out. He noticed the railing had broken off and went to check it out. 

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