Chapter 18 Selfish

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm finally back! Sorry for the long wait 🙏 Been going through some stuff.

Anyways, to make up for my disappearance, I made a longer chapter than usual. It might not be much still but it's the least I can do.

Hopefully you still remember the story and hopefully I still make sense with my writing.

I will be having exams in two weeks so I will try and get another chapter out before then. If not, I'll wait until after exams when I'm on holidays to finish off this story :D

This chapter contains extra sad romance. Please enjoy and excuse any errors!


"I really hope Tzuyu's okay", Nayeon prayed.

"I'm sure she's fine", said Jeongyeon.

"She told me she'd text me today but she hasn't said anything yet!"

"Just calm down. There's no point in panicking like this. She'll text us when she's ready"

"What if something happened...?"

"Don't say stuff like that! Tzuyu's fine"

"You were right... I should've never even thought about getting Sana to help us. I should've trusted my gut... I was just desperate to help Tzuyu!"

"Stop blaming yourself. Even if you rejected Sana's help, Tzuyu would've gone after her eventually. Because deep down she still cares for her..."

Nayeon bit down on her lip.

"It's been so long but I still can't accept that..."

"You will have to someday. As much as I hate to say it, Tzuyu will most likely bring her back. I have nothing but pure hatred for Sana, but as a friend of Tzuyu, I won't stop her from doing so. Though I will never forgive her for what she did..."


2Yeon pulled out their phones.

Mina: "Come to the cabin, now"

2Yeon rushed up to the cabin and banged on the door.

Mina answered it with a worried look on her face.

"What is it, Mina?", Nayeon panted.

"It's Tzuyu..."

"What happened to her??? Where is she?!"

"She's in the-"

Nayeon pushed through Mina and ran inside. JeongMi followed after her.


She found Tzuyu laying down on the bed, bandaged at the shoulder with blood leaking through. 

"What the hell happened?!" 


Nayeon ran at Mina but Jeongyeon held her back.


"Calm down, Nayeon!"

"Answer me!!"

"I'll tell you, just please calm down!", said Mina.

Jeongyeon carefully let go of Nayeon as she composed herself.

"Hurry up and tell me what happened"

"I was walking along the river this morning and I found Tzuyu washed up on the rocks. She was unconscious and had a bullet through her shoulder. I brought her back here and removed it"

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