Chapter 9 Regret

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"On that day I arrived to Taiwan, Jeongyeon messaged me that She had been taken away. It was like a nightmare had finally come true. I left her, hoping she would forgive me when I returned. Then we could've spent some time together to make up for what I did. Even if I couldn't be with her. But now she's gone and I probably won't ever see her again... I now live with that regret"

"It has already been a few months since my departure and I haven't felt the same since. Not like I ever felt like someone before. I go to school, study and come home to see the people who I tried to get away from. The people who ruined my life"

"Maybe I should've said something different to her that day. Or taken the time to express my true feelings. Or perhaps even showed an ounce of care when Jeongyeon texted. But I couldn't handle the situation..."

*A few months ago*

Jeongyeon: "We were going to head over to Sana's house to check up on them. So we texted them for their address, but no one answered!"

Jeongyeon: "We finally got a message from Mina that Sana had been taken away by those guys!"

"This can't be..."

Tzuyu dropped back in her seat with her palm on her head.

"Why did this happen all of a sudden?"

"Was it because I left?"

"Those three survived all those years together and were never caught by them. Why is it now that I leave, She of all people, was taken?!"

Tzuyu stared at the text before sending her message.

Tzuyu: "Sorry. There's nothing I can do about it"

Tzuyu: "There's nothing that any of us can do about it"

Tzuyu: "Goodbye"

Jeongyeon: "Tzuyu!"

"That's right... I was in a severe state of shock. I didn't know what to do, so I acted like I didn't care. Like it no longer had anything to do with me"

"Maybe I was hoping that she'd forget about me that way. But what I didn't realize at the time was that whoever those guys are, were trying to kill her. That's something that hit me a few days later. In the end, the plan that I had wished for previously, the one Jeongyeon tried so hard to stop, had eventually become reality. I acted like I didn't care with the goal of getting her to despise me, for her to forget me. Even after I worked up the courage to end it off in 'good terms'.  But I didn't think about who would've been involved in this. Now I wonder whether she's even alive to hate me"

"What will I tell her sisters when I come back? Will they despise me for what I did to her?  Or will they be dead too?"

"Will I be next...?"

"Those were the questions I asked myself everyday from that day onwards. I even had full doubts that my friends would forgive me for what I did. We were always close, ever since we were kids. They were my second family. We watched out for one another, we cared for each other, we did things together that I never did with my real family. We made a promise, that we'd stick together forever and that we would never leave anyone behind. Those three became one of us. And yet I willingly left them. I left all of them and didn't turn back. Maybe I was never suited for this group in the first place..."

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