Chapter 19 The War Begins

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A/N: Hey guys! Once again, sorry for the wait!

I've got my last exam on Tuesday so I'll definitely be able to finish this story during the holidays!

Next chapter will most likely be the finale if I manage to fit it all. I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far!

Anyways, enough of me. Please enjoy!

It's been a while so my writing has gotten worse so please excuse any errors!


"What?! You guys too?!"

"Yes... Mina and I have decided. There's no point in us coming with you. Besides, Sana is still here. Despite all the things she's done, we can't just abandon her. She's been through enough of that... And in the end, she is still our sister. So we're sorry..."

Nayeon looked over at Jeongyeon, unable to come up with what to say.

"We understand and accept your decision, but please understand that we will not be joining you guys. We're leaving this place"

"That's fine with us"

"I wish you guys the best"

"No...", Dahyun cried.

"It's alright", Momo smiled.

"We'll see each other again right?", asked Chaeyoung.

Momo and Mina silently nodded their heads.

"We'll see what happens", said Mina.

Nayeon walked up to the two girls and wrapped her arms around their necks.

"We've had our differences but... stay safe, okay?"

She let go of the two and walked away, trying to hide her face.

"Where are you guys headed?", asked Jeongyeon.

"Our only choice now is to stop our fathers. So that's exactly what we'll do. It's what the three of us planned", said Momo.

"But that's impossible", said Dahyun.

"Even so, we need to try no matter the chances"

"It was nice meeting you guys. I enjoyed spending time at school with you all. If only we could've stayed together longer...", said Mina.


Momo checked her phone.

"Well, we better head off. You guys need to get to the airport"

"Right. I guess this is goodbye"

"Yeah. Uhm, I just wanted to say... It was fun fighting together. I still remember that day vividly. You took on 3 men at a time. Not bad", Momo praised.

"Your not too bad yourself", said Jeongyeon.

Momo smiled before turning her wheelchair. Mina reached in her pocket and pulled something out.

"I still have this, Chaeyoung"

Mina held up a piece of paper with a drawing of a penguin that Chaeyoung had given her when they first met. 

"You kept it?"

Mina nodded.

"I-I'll draw you another one when we see each other again!"

"I'll be looking forward to it"

Mina showed her gummy smile before following after Momo.

"Momo! Goodbye! I won't forget you!", Dahyun yelled.

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