Chapter 8 Separation Tragedy

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A/N: Put the song above on loop while reading if you're up for the challenge 🤧


"I'm going back to Taiwan..."

"W-What...? Why?"

"My dad has some business over there... I'll be leaving on Wednesday"

"You mean for a vacation, right?", asked Jeongyeon.

"No... I won't be back for year..."

"C-Can't you ask your dad to let you stay here?", Nayeon trembled.

"He wouldn't let me even if I asked..."

"This can't be... There has to be a wa-"

"Nayeon", Jeongyeon looked at her.

"It's already hard for Tzuyu. Don't make it harder"

"But... We were supposed to spend our last year together..."

The room went silent.

"So... How will you tell the others?", asked Jeongyeon.

"The same way I told you guys..."

"But what about Sana? I don't think she'll be able to accept it either"

"I know that... so just for her and her sisters, I'm going to have to lie..."

"Lie...? What do mean by that?"

"The only way to get her to let go of me is to cut ties with her... In a way that will make her despise me..."

"Tzuyu... What are you thinking! There's no need for you to do something like that!"

"It's the only way..."

"It's not! Just tell her that you'd be back after a year. You don't need to cut ties with her because of this!"

"Jeongyeon... You don't seem to understand do you...?"

"Understand what...?"

"I can't be with her..."

Jeongyeon grit her teeth and looked away.

"So you want to cut ties with her so that she could move on...?"

Tzuyu didn't say anything.

"Then what was the point in reconciliating with her if you were going to end it again?"

"She said she wanted to protect me... If I moved to Taiwan, I'd be safe. She wouldn't need to care anymore. It's for the better"

"That's not... But still! You don't need to cut ties with her nor do you need her to hate you! You can end this on good terms!"

"If I did, it'll just hurt her more. Even if I came back, it doesn't change the fact that I can't be with her..."


"If I got her to hate me, she'd forget about everything we'd been through. She'd forget her time spent with me and she'd forget all the feelings she had for me"

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