Chapter 16 Unexpected Encounter

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As the vehicle accelerated towards Nayeon, Tzuyu saw her world stop. 

"Is this really it? Am I going to lose another friend right before my eyes?"

Tzuyu reached out her arm but she knew it was too late. There was no possible way for her to make it in time. 

"Look out!"

Tzuyu watched as someone leapt towards Nayeon, taking her to the ground as the vehicle sped by. The two rolled to the side of the road right in front of Tzuyu.

"Ouch! You really need to be careful!", Jeongyeon groaned.

Tzuyu sighed in relief. 

"Do you not look before you cross the road?!", Jeongyeon scolded as she dusted herself off.

"I'm sorry"

"What are you doing here?", asked Tzuyu.

"I was just walking by and I saw you. What are you doing here?", asked Nayeon.

"I was going to buy some groceries..."

"Are we not going to talk about the black van that just tried to run you over, Nayeon???", asked Jeongyeon.

"We already know who it is , don't we?"

"Well... yeah, but...", Jeongyeon looked at Nayeon and pointed her eyes at Tzuyu. 

"I know...", Nayeon whispered.

"So what will you do?"

"I'll speak to her"

"I still don't agree with this"

"Just let me handle this"

"Alright, but this is all on you. Cya"

Jeongyeon walked away, leaving Tzuyu and Nayeon alone together. 

"You alright?", asked Tzuyu.

"Yeah. Just a grazed knee"

Nayeon reached up to Tzuyu's face and brushed her hair to the side.

"You look rough. Wanna go for a walk?"

"You just said I look rough? You want me to walk in public like this?"

"I like this look on you. Hopefully no one else does", Nayeon took Tzuyu's hand.

"What does that mean?"

"Dunno", Nayeon giggled before pulling Tzuyu's arm down the streets.

"Say, you've been hiding yourself away for a while. How about we invite the group to the beach?"

"I'm not interested..."

"Come on. You need to go out every now and then. It's not healthy to stay inside all the time"

"I really don't feel like it"

"Just this once, please. I'll let you go home after"

Tzuyu rolled her eyes.

"Fine. But if we're going to do it, we need to do it today"

"Today? So suddenly? Why?"

"I've got things to do...", Tzuyu looked away.

"Okay...", Nayeon frowned in confusion.

"Well then, I'll text the chat and ask them to come out"

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