Chapter 17 The Girl by the River

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"So much for a day at the beach...", Dahyun sulked.

"Why'd she contact us so suddenly after so long?", Nayeon wondered.

"Right? We haven't seen her in ages. It must be something important", said Chaeyoung.

"What do you think she wants?"

"Whatever it is, it probably has something to do with Sana...", said Jeongyeon.

"We're here..."

The girls arrived at the cabin. They walked over and knocked on the door. 

It slowly creaked open as the girls stepped back. Mina peaked her head around with a frightened look on her face.

"Come in, quickly", Mina whispered.

"What's going on?"

"I'll explain everything, just come in"

The girls quickly headed into the cabin. They looked around and found that it was much larger from the inside. 

Mina shut the door and exhaled heavily.

"Where have you been, Mina?", asked Nayeon.

"Have you been hiding here all this time?", Jeongyeon interrogated.

"I know it may seem like that but I've been busy with something"

"Busy?! Do you know what the hells been going on?!", Nayeon yelled.

"Shh!! Be quiet! They're listening..."

The girls froze.

"Who's listening?", asked Tzuyu.

"Your father's men..."

"My... what...?"

"Your father sent out a group to spy on me..."

"Why you?"

Mina bit her lip.

"The reason why i've been gone is because I was trying to prevent your father from coming back... But I wasn't able to..."


"Obviously you weren't able to. How could you prevent someone like him from coming back?", asked Nayeon.

"I knew it wasn't something I could do, but I had to at least try"

"Wait, why are you so desperate to stop him? I get that it would increase the chance of the two organizations clashing, but as long as they don't interact with each other then it should be fine, right?", asked Jeongyeon.

"No... That's how it was before they changed their plans..."

"What do you mean they changed their plans?", asked Tzuyu.

"Before it was your Uncle who wanted to start the next great war, but now it's the Three Bosses' decision..."

"The Three Bosses!?", Dahyun covered her mouth.

"How did this happen?! What gave them the idea to do this?!", Nayeon freaked out.

"I don't know what their motivation is. All I know is that they plan to attack Tzuyu's father as soon as he lands back in Korea..."

"Are you kidding me...?"

"And you guys know what the result will be if anything happens to Tzuyu's father, right?"

"No, we don't"

"On Mr Chou's orders, his men will wreck havoc on the city"


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