Chapter 5 Captured

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"Tzuyu's late again", said Jihyo.

"Maybe she's actually taking a rest today?", Jeongyeon guessed.

"Even Momo, Sana and Mina are here so I guess you're right", said Dahyun.

Nayeon slammed her desk and walked over to Sana.

"You! Where did you take her yesterday!?"

"Nayeon?!", the girls were shocked.

"Answer me!"

"I only took her shopping", Sana flinched.

"I know that wasn't the only place you took her!"

Sana looked down.

"Did you not hear me?! Where did you take her?!", Nayeon gripped onto Sana's uniform.

"Hey! Back off from my sister!", Momo grabbed onto Nayeon's arm.

"You two!", Jeongyeon tried to separate them.

"Stop! I'll tell you"

Nayeon and Momo let go.

"I took her to the river yesterday to see the stars..."

"Huh. I knew it"

"But Nayeon, how did you know?", asked Jeongyeon.

"I was worried that she would take Tzuyu somewhere at night so I contacted her parents to see whether Tzuyu had come home or not"

"Nayeon... that's..."

Just as Nayeon said this, Tzuyu walked into the room.


Tzuyu walked over to her seat without making eye contact with anyone. The girls noticed a slight bruise on her face.

"Tzuyu, what happene-"

Jeongyeon stopped Nayeon. 

"Leave her for now...", Jeongyeon whispered.

"Why? She looks hur-"

"Do you not understand the situation you're in right now?!"

"W-What do you mean?"

"You exposed Tzuyu for staying out with Sana! You of all people should know how strict her parents are!"

Nayeon's heart dropped as she looked over at Tzuyu who had her head turned away from them.

There was an awkward silence in the room until the teacher broke it.

"Okay class, we will continue the work from yesterday. Please come see me if you need help, I'll be at the front"

Nayeon sat back down in her seat afraid to turn around to Tzuyu. 


"Alright, class dismissed"

Tzuyu packed her bag and got up from her seat.

"U-Uh, Tzuyu. About yesterday... I'm sorry... I don't know wha-"

"Save it, Nayeon...", Tzuyu walked away.

"Tzuyu!", Sana called.

Tzuyu stopped in her tracks.

"Please don't talk to me again..."

Tzuyu marched out of the classroom.

"What happened??? Everything was going so well!", Chaeyoung questioned.

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