Finale: Remember to Forget Us

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As the girls headed for the airport, Jeongyeon had stopped in her tracks.

"I can't do it... I can't leave her..."

Nayeon sighed as she watched Jeongyeon wipe a tear.

"But we've got no choice. Our families are waiting for us. The war is about to begin and we can't do anything to stop it", said Dahyun.

"We all care about Tzuyu but we can't make decisions for her"

"I know. That's why I won't stop her. But if I at least try to save her, even if it isn't possible, I'll do it. The same way she's trying to save Sana. I won't ask you guys to follow me, but as a friend, I will not leave her behind", said Jeongyeon.

The girls looked at her, unable to say anything.

"So please tell my family that I won't be coming with them. That's all"

As Jeongyeon turned away, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"If you're trying to stop me, don't..."

"We're not going to", said Nayeon.

"We're going as well"

"I'd love to leave with my family. But I don't want to live with any regrets", said Dahyun.

"Are you guys sure?"

"If Tzuyu risks her life to save Sana, then who will save her if it isn't us?", said Nayeon.

"That's right. We're the only one's shes got", said Chaeyoung.

Jeongyeon smiled.

"Alright then. Let's go save Tzuyu"


"What Dahyun?"

Dahyun turned her phone to the girls.

"Mr Chou is dead?!", Nayeon covered her mouth.

"What the hell happened?!"

"Has it already begun?!"

"Shit! We need to go!"

"We've got to go!"

SaTzu picked up a gun from the dead security guards and rushed over to the elevator.

Sana hit the button to the ground floor.

"No! There'll be people down there. We need to find a different exit", said Tzuyu.

"Do you know any??"

"I've barely been in this building before. But I know level 50 has an evacuation door. It may be our safest option instead of running out into the open"

Sana quickly hit the level 50 button and the doors closed.

"Damn it! I didn't want this to happen!"

"I'm sorry..."

"This isn't your fault. The war would've happened either way. Whether my father started it or the Three Bosses did"

"That's not what I meant. It's my fault you're here too..."

Tzuyu looked Sana in the eyes and sighed.

"I came because I wanted to. You've been there for me all this time. Now it's my turn. I won't leave you behind again"

Sana walked up to Tzuyu and placed her head on her shoulder.

"What do we do now?"

"I don't know. But promise me you won't do anything stupid again"

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