Chapter 15 A Tragic Story

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"Sana, we will never speak of this. Got it?!"


"Help me drag her outside!"

"On that day, I watched as my mother was brutally murdered right in front of me by the man I called 'father'. I never fully registered what had actually happened... All I knew was that I felt sick to the stomach. Even to this day, that feeling won't go away"

"Hurry up! It's raining! We need to dispose of her before it stops!"

"I was just a kid... I didn't realize what he was telling me to do. But even at such a young age, I knew something was wrong"

"What will we do with mother? She's not moving!"

"We'll throw her in the river"

"The river? Why??"

"Listen Sana. Your mother is a wicked person, so we're throwing her into the river so we don't become like her"

"But mother was nice"

"Just shut up! We need to hurry!"

"He gave me no real reason to help him. What he told me was the exact opposite to what I thought. But what could I do?  All I knew was that the man right in front of me was the monster underneath my bed. The monster I feared every night. I had no choice but to listen to him, otherwise I'd end up like my mother"

"On a count of three. One, two, three!"

"I watched as my mother's lifeless body swept away in the muddy river. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye"

"W-Will mother come back?"

"She's been banished to a place where evil people belong"

"Will I be able to see her?"

"There was a sudden clap of thunder as those words left my mouth. I remember it very vividly... His eyes flashed as he looked down at me with a wide grin on his face"

"You don't want to go there, Sana... It's not a nice place to be, so you better behave yourself and listen to me, or you'll be swept away like your mother"

"From that day onwards, I dared not to disobey my father. The abuse ended, but it was the beginning of my mental torture. I listened to every single specific instruction he gave me, constantly paranoid of making a mistake that could lead him to snap. The endless anxiety and stress of not knowing when that would happen"

"I was a slave to him. A doll that he could dispose of whenever he wanted. Although I was afraid of him, I didn't want to be left behind. Everyday, I'd meet new people who I had never even seen before. Somedays it was simple, they gave my father money and left without causing trouble. Otherdays, it was a bloodshed. If my father didn't get what he wanted, there'd be a corpse laying up against the wall"

"Get rid of this body and clean up the room"

"Is what he'd say... Everytime he did business with someone, he'd invite them into a room and lock themselves inside until the deal was done. There was a fifty, fifty chance that the person inside would make it out alive. I'd always hope they did, but it was never a guarantee... Sometimes I'd even wish my father would meet someone more dangerous than himself. But no matter how many people went in, no matter how tough they looked, it was always the same result"

"Hurry up and clean this mess up. We're going to meet someone..."

"That was the first time in a while that I'd heard him say something differnet. It was also the day I found out how dangerous my father really was..."

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