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Janet Jackson

I'm going to the jailhouse to do my share of volunteering. To be honest...I can't help to feel curious about Toni's blowup yesterday. Why did she stop mid conversation?

Once I left my meeting with Braxton. I asked Gil to see if he could get a number on Ms. Evelyn. I have to talk to her. To see if she knows anything about what happened with Toni and Jada.

He just gave me her number today so before I go to the jailhouse. I'm going to call her.

Dialing Ms. Evelyn

"Hello? Who is this?" I smiled at her voice. It reminded me of my mom.

"Hi Mrs Braxton. I'm calling you about your daughter Toni. I'm her lawyer Janet Jackson."

"Janet...Jackson? If you don't mind my asking is your mother named Katherine?" My eyes widened.

"Yes Uhm she is. Why?" I heard her say "oh my god."

"Janet, is your father named Joe Jackson? And did all of your family pass away?" She asked and I remained quiet. How did she know this.

"Uhm...yes." She gasped.

"My lord. Janet, me and your mom used to be in a singing group. And our group slowly got smaller and smaller. Me and Katherine lasted the longest. But when Katherine got pregnant...she choice her family over her career. Anyways when I found out that she was willing to leave the group for her family. I was angry. Because I felt as though she was throwing her entire life away. Even though I got pregnant three years later. And we basically hadn't talked since. And I missed her so much. She was my best friend. All that time I could of spent loving her...and supporting her." She said and I sat in shock. That's why my mom always listened to her music.

"Wow that's amazing. She always did listen to your music. And trust I'm a huge fan! But we digress. I was calling to see if you know anything about Toni & Jada's marriage." I asked and the mother sighed.

"I never did like Jada. Something about her was off. But I never communicated that with Toni. She was so in love I didn't want to create an issue." Mrs Braxton explained.

"I am curious though. Why do you think Toni isn't saving herself? She has a ton of money. Do you think she may be covering someone or?"

"I really don't know why she isn't. She didn't do it Janet. She wouldn't..." Ms. E trailed off.

"Well Ms E. I have to give you a call back. But I enjoyed talking to you. And thank you for giving me that information on my mother."

At the Jailhouse.

I sat down as the guards brought in each soon to be prisoner one by one.

They sat down and Toni looked me dead in the eye and tilted her head.

"Welcome Everyone. I'm Janet Jackson. I come here every Wednesday & Thursday some of you are familiar with me. But to those who aren't, I've here to encourage to do better. And maybe look at things differently. So if any of you have questions. Your free to ask."

"Now most of you are waiting to go to court. And some of you stand in the room not guilty. For example. Mrs Braxton. I think she isn't guilty. But she doesn't want to fight for her freedom." Everyone looked at her.

"If you know you aren't guilty. You need to try. Because you don't deserve to be locked up and the person who really did the crime is living there best life. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve your family in tears. Now god says "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

"So don't be afraid. To let god take control. And lead you into the right direction. But you have to be willing to believe in him and yourself."

I continued my lecture that lasted about an hour and thirty minutes.

When I was finished some walked out with tears in their eyes. But Toni just sat there numb.

"Ms. Braxton can you stand up?" The guard asked "Can I talk to Ms Jackson for five minutes?" The guard looked at me for reassurance. I nodded and he gave me a thumbs up and left the room.

"Nice lesson. You know I didn't appreciate you putting me on blast like that but i'll let it slide." I giggled. "Ms Braxton I just think...if you tell me the rest of the story I could help you. Just please sit down with me. I promise this to you, if you ask me to keep something private and I agree. No one will know about it." Braxton smiled. Her smile was beautiful.

"I'll think about it. Thank you Janet." She hugged me and then walked out. The guard took her back to her cell.

god this case is a mystery .
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