mishap pt 2

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"So that's when I went home and played smart and made the scene." Joe said

"Joe I know you love mother dearly, and I believe you totally. But have you came up with a plan yet?" Janet asked and he shook his head no.

They sat in silence for a minute before Mike ran in.

"I'm gonna kill you!" He ran to father and punched him. "Mike stop!" It was no use.

Tito came in and immediately pulled Mike off of father. "What the hell is wrong with you two!"

"Tito, Mike, don't blame him it's a complete misunderstanding."

"What's not to understand dunk! he cheated on mother with Wanda! You don't see the problem?

Just listen to him, Mike go get the others.

Joe explained everything to them and the hurt and tension could be sensed a mile away. tears fell from Latoya and Rebbie's eyes it was so much to take in at one time. But I had developed a plan.

"Joe can I talk to you? In the separate room." Randy gave me that look but I brushed it off. I don't want my siblings to know about this. I know they won't think it's a good idea, but it seems like the only option we have.

So here's what we're gonna do...

After about 45 minutes of discussing my plan we decided to make calls. We spent about an hour in that room.

And once I opened the door to leave, all of these clowns fell to the floor.

"What the hell!" I said trying not to laugh but I couldn't contain myself.

"Owwww." Mike said holding his head.

"Damn dunk you could have warned us you know we were listening." Randy said and I laughed.

"No I actually didn't know you all were listening , I also don't think y'all will be onboard with the plan. "

"Are you kidding, we'd do anything to fix this." Jermaine said and the others agreed.

"Someone call Marlon and Jack! Let's get this show on the road!"

So ended up telling Mama Kat & she was furious but she was also understanding we ended up doing our plan & she was dealt with... we were planning on getting Warren too but he beat us to it

My voice started to crack

Toni held me in her arms as I cried "baby keep going" I could tell she was hurt but I knew I couldn't keep her in the dark anymore.

"Me and the family were coming up with a huge plan to end Warren. We were planning on setting him up. But I guess he didn't lie when he said he'd gotten more experience in the streets while my father was taking care of us. And it was the day before the setup and my family went out to lunch. I stayed home to make sure the plan would go smoothly. And Warren slid on them with his crew witnesses says he screamed out "This is for Wanda nigga, you thought I wasn't gonna catch you!

"He shot Mother in the head, his crew shot Latoya in the chest and Rebbie in her arm. Then he came back around the block and killed the others Mike And Jo had their guns but it was no use. Everything was caught on camera but I refused to watch my family be murdered! You know?"

And that's why i feel like it was my fault, i planned the whole entire thing. I should have just told mother the truth and let everything fall into place but i wanted revenge so bad and i try not to live with regret but i can't come back from that. And then! To put the icing on the cake my grandma passed two months later. I didn't have no one and i was so depressed and alone. And then i met alex and she made me feel like no other but she played me and my heart was broken again.

So i figure Warren has found out that I'm still alive and doing well for myself and now he wants to kill me especially knowing i came up with the whole entire thing.

I started to break down again and the pain i was feeling was excruciating. That's something I think of everyday it even replays me breaking down after hearing the information in my dreams.

I looked up at Toni and could tell she was fighting back tears to be strong for me, it's so hard for me to let my guard up with her. Just the feeling of loving someone and losing them i just can't do that again.

"Janet...I'm so sorry. I'm so lost for words. That pain in your voice as you told the story makes me itch, i wanna kill this nigga! Janet I swear on my life I will do anything to keep you safe you don't have to worry no more. That nigga gon meet his match when he meet me. Matter fact baby stay here I'll be back." Toni got up and i could hear and see the anger in her and genuinely i was frightened she looked as if she blacked out.

"Toni no! I don't want anything bad to happen to you. You don't deserve to be in my mess." I put my head down and held Toni's hands into mine. "Sit down, if i die it just means my time has come and I'm willing to accept that." My voice started to crack

"Janet." She lifted my head up "If being with you comes with mess I'm willing to face it. Once i met you it was as if a spark was lit in my life. You are everything i want in a woman. Losing you would hurt me the most out of all of this. So I'm not gonna let you push me away. And I'm not gonna let you stop me from helping you. Now I'll be right back. Get some rest mamas." She kissed my forehead then my lips.

I smiled. It was as if my heart jumped after hearing Toni's sweet words. Maybe it's time I've learned to love again.

I'm sorry i take months to update I'm really lazy asf lmfaooo😭😭 anyways tell me how you liked this chapter. 🩵love yall 🥹

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