feel it boy🫱🏽‍🫲🏾

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Toni Braxton

Today is attempt 1 to get Janet. I'm not sure what my full intent is yet, but I just know in my heart I need her. To be honest it's kind of weird but at the same time I just think of her laugh, her personality, and her desperate need of real love.

Today I have to pick up Janet to come as my date at a wedding, already knowing Alex ain't gonna be here for it but who gives a fuck!

Janet Jackson

"No your not going Janet! Why the hell would I let you run off with someone i literally just met. I can tell she's totally into you. So take that tight ass dress off and call that date off."

"But Alex-." She quickly cut me off, "No buts. You aren't going end of discussion."

"Okay but why are you so last minute! You know you haven't been treating me well that's why your so insecure. I'm sick of your bullshit." I said before trying to walk off until she grabbed me.

She kissed my lips quickly. "Call her and cancel." She whispered in my ear

I tried...I really tried to resist. I know the truth but I don't wanna believe it...

"Okay...okay" I said as tears filled my eyes slightly ruining my makeup.

I called and she immediately answered, I hesitated to speak.

"I'm about to pull up to your house. I can't wait to see how beautiful you look." She said as if she knew I was about to cancel.

"Call her back now!" She slightly screamed but then apologized.

Just then the doorbell rang. I took off to the door and opened it to a fine, tall, & smelling good ass Toni. I noticed her checking out my curves but when she seen my face she frowned.

"Have you been crying? Well obviously it messed up your makeup. That's okay I have wipes in my car you can take it all off because personally I think you look better without it. But thats only if you feel comfortable that way." She said to me and I was lost for words. So Alex stepped in.

"She's not going with you! Stop staring at my woman, she's all mine. I'm not letting her run away with somebody I just met, whose obviously into her." Alex said grabbing me by waist.

Toni looked at me and then back at Alex and laughed.

"You are some damn insecure. You are absolutely hilarious. Now tell me, what woman would wanna be locked up in her house with a partner that doesn't take her seriously. I couldn't name one. Come on Janet. I know you don't wanna be stuck here with this." She grabbed my hand and led me into the car without breaking eye contact with Alex. Almost like she was waiting on her to say something.

Toni waved at Alex as she pulled out the driveway.

Toni Braxton

"You look beautiful as always." I said breaking the silence. "Thank you." She said dryly. "Janet, did i overstep?" I asked and she quickly nodded no. "No it's not you, but what you said to Alex about "what women would wanna be with someone like her." And in reality that is me. I stay with her because she's the only person left that I know loves me. Even though she treats me as if she doesn't." I could hear her voice cracking. "Here's what we aren't gonna do, cry. You have to let people in Janet, if you want people to love you, can't push them away only because your afraid that they might leave you too. If you were my women I would tell you everyday how beautiful and how much you mean to me. Your an amazing woman."

"Toni, thank you. You always know what to say." She said and a genuine smile showed upon her face. Look at god as my mom says.
Janet Jackson
We arrived at the venue and it was absolutely beautiful. There were sunflowers, these really cute butterflies that looked real and were moving their wings, hanging lights and the smell of the food that waited for us in the reception room. It was just beautiful.

"Toni this looks amazing, is your mother here?" I asked while we walked holding hands.

"Yeah she's here. She was like a mom to Kenny to. Ya see Kenny's mom was on drugs so most of the time he was with us. His mom passed away about two years ago." Toni explained and I nodded.

"That's really sad. But it definitely seems like he's overcame it. He's living the life with his soon to be wife." Toni smiled.

The ceremony was about to begin and me and Toni made it to our spots next to her mother.

"Oh hi Janet, you look beautiful. But I must ask what are you doing here?" She asked and I seen another smile creep on Toni's face. "Oh because Toni asked me to be her date of course." She gasped "Really? So are you guys going on dates? Well I guess that's an obvious question because your here." Her mom said and I think she misunderstood..."Well you see-" Toni interrupted me. "Yes mom, we are going dates." She said and i just sat shocked.

I really just let Toni Braxton take me on a date, and she invited herself to take me another one. This girl got game.

The ceremony music began to play, and I'm guessing Nicole's Mom and Kenny's mom started to walk down the aisle, and god they are beautiful and snatched.

The Maid of Honor & Best man came down next, Toni said Kenny asked her but she said she wanted to watch the full experience and take me out on a date, she's constantly flirting with me. Anyways instead Kenny picked his older brother. Bridemaids and groomsmen, Ring Bearer, Flower girl, and lastly the beautiful bride Nicole walking with her father.

Kenny's face was overwhelmed with emotions. It was such a beautiful moment, tears fell down her face.

"You may kiss the beautiful Bride." The preacher said and by now everyone had at least shed one tear. Toni talking about it was allergies knowing damn well.
Toni Braxton
Everyone cheered and the newly wedded couple danced off to "Never Too Much" by Luther Vandross into the reception.

I grabbed Janet's hand and spun me around. "Come on let's dance."

"Let's welcome Kenny to the stage."

My favorite song , "Sunshine." The unreleased song began to play and I rocked Janet against me.

Pelvis to pelvis, chest to chest, I inhaled her perfume.

"This feels so good it's weird, I've never felt so good in my life.." Janet whispered in my ear and then looked me in my eyes.

"Janet...I love you." I said and closed my eyes as I continued to sway her body.

"Toni, oh my god. I love you too." Tears ran down her face and before I could open my eyes she put her hands on my face and kissed my lips.

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