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Husk, her boyfriend, is sound asleep on her breast while [NAME] is calmly reading a book. Husk is purring in response to the gentle rubbing [NAME] is giving him. They were completely at ease, and not even Alastor was disturbing them. Husk keeps pressing his face against her chest in an effort to get further closer to her. Although he didn't want to leave, why would he? He is with a person he adores very much.

"GUYS! I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! MEET ME IN THE LOBBY RIGHT NOW!" Charlie pounded on the couple's door, which caused [NAME] to look up from the book and Husk, who was immobile, to groan loudly.

"Hm, it seems important." Husk refused to let [NAME] get off of him as she set her book down next to her.

"Husk?" She questioned the sinner who was sitting on top of her and who was sluggishly closing his eyes.

"Let's not go. It's probably somethin' stupid." Husk murmurs while raising his head to rub it against [NAME]'s neck.

"We can't just ignore her. She is your boss, and you might get fired."

"I don't care."

"Well, I do. If you get fired, you have to leave this place; meaning you'll leave me alone in this hotel."

Husk was silent for a while as a result, and then he gradually got off of [NAME]. He got out of bed and sat up to see [NAME] leave. Husk kept moving her shirt while he slept, so she started fixing it. As [NAME] crouch down to Husk's level, she looks back to see him playing with his claws.

"Come on, kitty, let's go." Husk's hand was taken by [NAME], who grinned and started to pull him out of bed. Husk groaned and struggled to leave the bed with the assistance of his lover. They exited their rooms and started to leave the building. [NAME] sat down on the crimson couch in the lobby after they both reached for it. Husk collapsed to the ground and put his head on [NAME] neck's While Charlie and Vaggie were conversing, [NAME] saw the princess's expanding smile. She began to wonder why it was happening.

"What do you think it's about?" [NAME] Ask the cat who was sleeping with his eyes closed and having his partner scratch behind his ear.

"I don't know, and I don't care." Husk answered while emitting a gentle purr. Soon after, Angel emerged and sat down on the bar stool. Niffy and Alastor join the rooms afterwards. Charlie walk up in the middle of the lobby as she extends her arm out. 

"Alright, everyone is here! Okay, so I just wanna say thank you everyone for trying to be good. Especially Husk, you have improved over the last few months, good job!" Charlie smile at Husk who simply hum in response. "Even you, Angel. Thank you so as a reward, I decided to take everyone to the beach! Think of it as a reward and a break from your jobs. We will leave tomorrow afternoon! So, pack up, dismiss." Vaggie place a hand on Charlie's shoulder to calm her adorable girlfriend. 

To the beach? Certainly, a long has passed since they all visited the beach. Husk sat up in disapproval at the brief excursion that Charlie had planned. He was ready to comment on the trip when he caught sight of his girlfriend staring at the princess with a nice grin on her lips. Husk stopped talking and got out of his chair. He extended his hand to his girlfriend, who eagerly grabbed it and dragged Husk into their room. Husk sat down on the bed as soon as they entered their room. His eyes began to go weary, but [NAME] threw a tiny rucksack on his chest, waking him.

"Let's pack up, Husk! It will be fun." [NAME] smiled as she looks through the closet to search for her swimsuit. 


When it was the afternoon, everyone got in the lobby and Charlie made a portal with the help of Alastor. They walk in the portal and [NAME] search for a spot to settle everyone. She found a palm tree and laid out her towel and place her small backpack. Husk follows her and drop his mini backpack next to her. Charlie, Vaggie and Niffy ran to the beach together; Alastor dips his feet in the water and simply watch the waves crashing into each other. Angel settles next to the couple. Angel settles down his towel next to [NAME] and watch as she looks through her backpack. Angel raised an eyebrow and [NAME] awkwardly chuckled.

"Um, I brought sunscreens, food, drinks, and other clothing... But I didn't bring my swimsuit." [NAME] inform Husk who sat down on the towel and Husk responded.

"So, are you going back and get it?"


Husk sighed and Angel soon interrupted their little conversation. "Actually, I brought an extra swimsuit in case this happen. Why didn't ya wear it before we got here?" Angel let out a soft laugh and [NAME] blush slightly. 

"I got too excited that I didn't think it through. Plus, I thought I had it in my backpack." [NAME] said and watch as Angel pulled out a bikini out of his small, pink backpack and [NAME] hesitantly took it. [NAME] walk up to the palm tree while Husk and Angel grab their towels. They surrounded [NAME] with the towels to cover her body as she changes into; Husk awkwardly looks at the ground, feeling slightly embarrassed. Angel took noticed and playfully shove Husk making him look at [NAME]'s bare back, looking at her curves. Husk cussed at Angel and return to covering [NAME], making her confused at the two men behind.

"Ya done?" Angel asks, feeling his arms getting sore from holding the towel.

"I mean yea but--" 

"GREAT!" Angel drop the towel and Husk copy his actions. Husk looks at his girlfriend and felt his cheeks heating up; [NAME] attempted to cover her skin but failed to do so. Angel complimented her and urged her to pose for a picture, but she refused. Angel shrug and send a wink at Husk. Angel walks off, leaving the couple alone and Husk place back the towel on the floor. [NAME] took a seat and Husk followed as well. He got close to her and extend his wing out to pull his girlfriend even closer to him on purpose. His actions made [NAME] fall on his side and he buried his face into her neck. He placed his hand on her waist and slightly rub them up and down. [NAME] face turn into a deep shade of red and felt sweating dripping down from her body.

"Husk?" She spoke softly and Husk remove his face from her neck only to bring it up to her ear.

"You look so beautiful." He whispers and lick her ear before biting softly on it. [NAME]'s breathing became heavy and gently push him off.

"We're in public and Alastor is sending death glares at us." She giggled as she pointed to Alastor who look disgusted, and Husk lift up his middle finger to show Alastor. Alastor looks away as he kicks the water side to side. Husk stood up and brought his hand out for [NAME], only for her to reject it. 

"I'll join later. I wanna finish this one chapter." She grabs her small, black backpack and search for her book. Husk nodded and walked over to the others. [NAME] open up her book and read for a few pages until she felt as though she was being watched. She stops reading and scan the beach only to meet eyes with a demon. The demon smile at her from afar and walk towards her. She knew that she messed up and hoping the demon will walk past her, but she was wrong. The demon took a seat next to her and got close to her. 

"Hey baby, what 'cha readin'?"

"It's nothing." She spoke as she slowly scooted away from the sinner, but it only made him get even closer to her. The sinner continues to flirt with her and [NAME] awkwardly laugh as she tries to get away slowly. 

"Yo, your girlfriend needs some savin'." Angel splashes the water on Husk's face and Husk turn around to look at his uncomfortable girlfriend. He slightly growls and began to walk away from the group, heading towards to his girlfriend.

The stranger than try to place his hand on the girl's thigh but went flying when a punch was place on his cheek. The stranger growled angrily and got up from the ground only to see Alastor staring at him with a crazed look in his eyes. The stranger sweated before hesitantly running away from them. [NAME] smiled sweetly as Husk took a seat on the floor next to her.

"Thank you." She spoke softly and got closer to him. Pressing her chest against his arm and Husk couldn't help but took a small peak at her chest before looking away with a red face. She softly grabs Husk's face and slowly made him look at her. She places a soft kiss on his wet lips and as she attempted to pull away, Husk would simply lean forward for more. She giggled and successfully, pull away.  

"You're so red." She tease and he look away while he rolled his eyes.

"Gimme my booze."

Husk x Reader : One-Shots (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now