Lily of the Valley

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[NAME] matched her tight black short dress and high heels with her well-known black lipstick. She gives her appearance one more tweak before fixing her eyes fixedly on the mirror. Every night, she puts forth this effort, even though she knows it will be in vain because neither men nor women find her face to be beautiful—only her body. In any case, she committed to it for ninety years and learned to accept it. 

"I promise, doing business with me will do you good." With a leisurely, alluring tone, a certain piece of paper was pulled out and uttered.

[NAME] let out a sigh and turned away from the heart-shaped mirror that her boss had given her. [NAME] presses the elevator button, and after a moment of hesitation, she enters and presses the lobby button. She watched the elevator door close and descend gently, waiting patiently.

"With your body, it will attract almost everyone even women." To get a better look at her chest, he pulled down her shirt and ran his finger over her breast. Without making an effort to take his finger from her own flesh, [NAME] swallowed. "Think of the money you can earn, you won't struggle. Don't be lower than a hellhound."

"Alright, you convinced... Where do I sign?" 

[NAME] watched as the doors opened to reveal a tiny bar across from her, and she approached the counter. Husk gave her a quick glance before grabbing a beer for [NAME]. [NAME] takes the beer and hands Husk a ten-dollar bill. Husk takes it nervously and looks at it for a while before crying out for her.

"[NAME], take your money." Husk remarked as he threw the money on the counter, and [NAME] stopped moving and turned to face him impassively. "One beer for you is free. It's on the house." Husk gestured at the beer she was holding. She smiled sweetly at him and bowed gently.

"Thank you. For this one time, take the money, please." [NAME] started to move away once more, causing Husk to blush when he saw her smile. Angel Dust and [NAME] are very different from one another, and [NAME] doesn't constantly flaunt her career or body as Angel Dust does. Actually, [NAME] is kind and willing to help out whenever she needs it. Since that one occurrence, Husk has come to like her.

Husk and the others were placed in a room with the task of creating art that brings them joy, and they had to turn to their partners and explain why. As a volunteer, [NAME] was paired with Husk, who, to be honest, didn't want to engage in the activity or work with the hotel. However, Alastor made him cooperate. 

Husk gives the blank piece of paper a long, intense stare. He didn't know what to sketch—alcohol? Cards? Money? He probably won't be allowed to do it by the princess, so he had to think really carefully or draw something and come up with something.

"Struggling to think of something?" [NAME] stop drawing and also look at his blank paper before making eye contact.

"Mind your business."  Husk said rudely as he picked up the pencil and tap the paper with it. [NAME] smile at him and respond back, "You can ignore me if you like but you can always draw your favorite flower, or food. It doesn't have to be deep or truly meaningful to you. Or better yet, something that represents your childhood."

Husk gives a brief glare, and [NAME] keeps drawing, rubbing the picture with her thumb to add shading. Husk looks at her picture, which is a lovely illustration of a lily of the valley. Although it's not done at a professional level, it's clear that she can draw. Husk considered what she had said—something that embodies your early years. Husk, who has never painted before, tried to make straightforward cards with simple symbols like hearts, diamonds, etc., and a black cap. 

Charlie signals the sinners to put down their pencils and face their partners after ten minutes by blowing her whistle. While Husk was starting to lose patience with his artwork and was relieved that it was finished, [NAME] scowled and grumbled since she wasn't quite finished with hers. 

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