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With gradual ocular adjustment to their new environment, [NAME] opened their eyes. Thinking that they were dead, they got up and glanced around at the sinners passing past. They got off the ground and gave themselves a quick dust. After a little while, their vision cleared, and they saw strange, terrifying sinners. When one of them turned to face them, they cried out in terror and bolted like their lives depended on it. Some sinners, realizing this was a novice to Hell, rolled their eyes.

They rushed so swiftly—too fast, actually—that they passed a window and glanced briefly at the glass that revealed their new appearance. They scramble back to the window, having stopped sprinting. They looked at the glass for a long time before shockingly touching their cheek. They resembled a raccoon in appearance, with two enormous eyes and two smaller ones adjacent to the larger one. Their tail and chest had a lot of fluff. The pattern was gray and dark crimson.

"What the fuck is going on?" In order to make sure that what she was witnessing was real and not a dream, [NAME] touched the glass.

"Stop touching the damn window, jackass!" With a bat, someone from the inside swung open the door and attacked them. With a gasp, they sprang high enough to avoid it and ended on atop a building. [NAME] got confused and frustrated, gripping their hair and starting to pull. They turned to face the flaming, crumbling metropolis as they peered about. The Ring of Pride. Their last recollection was of her jumping to the next building, missing and falling to her death.

Am I in the afterlife?

They asked, then started to leap once more. Their tail felt incredibly light when the wind blew over their fur since it was so high that it almost felt like flying. They continued to jump until they discovered a hill of their own, even though they were still uneasy with their new physique. They sat down on the parched, lifeless grass and looked out at the metropolis, where the only sounds are sirens, explosions, and screams.

Am I in Hell?

As they tried to comprehend what was happening to them, a tear trickled down their furry cheek. They attempt to remove the tear, but it just makes it bigger, and they have to sniff a lot to keep their boogers from drying out. They felt alone, afraid, and puzzled. Over time, they eventually fall asleep on the ground, with the hope that one day she will awaken in her actual human form.


"She/He looks innocent and cute."

"I think the boss will like her/him."

"Why are we waiting for? Let's take him/her!"

[NAME] woke up almost instantly and assumed their combat positions. prepared to repel them. However, they pulled the chains around their ankles, causing her to tumble and instinctively hiss at them.

"Calm down, sweetheart. We will take good care of you." The shark chuckled evilly as [NAME] try to fight them off. "Why don't we play with you for bit? Fellas, who wants to go first?"

Their legs were kept straight and apart by the other chains being dragged by two males who grabbed their wrists and chained them up. Struggling to get them off of them, [NAME] was breathing heavily. The sharks took a rag and shoved it in their mouths to keep [NAME] from screaming at the top of their lungs in the hopes that someone would come and save them from this destiny.

"Ain't no one coming to save you, welcome to Hell!" A larger, more powerful shark then swam between their legs while one of the sharks let out a loud laugh. The shark rolled his eyes and reached for a blindfold as [NAME] had a sour expression on their face and slits in her pupils. [NAME]'s ears perked up as they covered their eyes with it. A card pierced the shark's neck before they could even remove their pants, causing them to slump backwards as warm blood contacted [NAME].

[NAME] was solely reliant on their hearing and was unable to see what was going on. They heard only gunfire, screams, and grunts. Five minutes later, all was still, until they heard footsteps and perked up to see where they were coming from. The sound of the footsteps grew louder. They were only able to snarl fiercely when they heard a faint murmur.

"I'm going to take off your blindfold." They did exactly that, and their voice was deep and silky. [NAME]'s eyes narrowed as they examined the sinner before them. a huge red cat with black wings. The cat removed the towel from her lips as their pupils relaxed. He soon untied her ankles and wrists, and the raccoon gave their fur a little massage.

"Alright, you can go now." The cat spoke as he took a pack of smokes out of his pockets and rested his back against the tree. The raccoon observed the surrounding dead bodies as it peered about.

"Thank you." [NAME] got to their feet and showered. The cat took a puff of smoke into his elderly lungs and only hummed in acknowledgment. "Where we are? What's going on?"

The cat turned to face them with an eyebrow arched when there was a moment of silence. "We're in Hell. It's real, you died, and you committed sins, so you are stuck here until you are killed by angels." Without warning, he threw all of this information at her and overwhelmed her. 


He groaned, "You are no longer a human. You are a demon. A sinner. You are dead and this is your new body, get used to it."

"How... How do I become an angel? How do I leave?" [NAME]'s body trembled, almost wanting to have some hope to leave this hellish world. 

"You can't. You can't leave this. The princess is putting on this hotel for redemption bullshit but it ain't gon--" He dropped his cigarette when the cat was shoved to the ground, and when he attempted to talk, all he saw was this person breaking down in front of him.

"Shut up! You're wrong! You have to be wrong..." The cat only stared at [NAME] in concern as their tears started to flow more freely and their cries became louder. He sat up and gave the individual who was having trouble maintaining their composure an awkward hug.

"I can take you to the hotel and try it out..."

"...Okay... Just please don't hurt me..."

"I won't. The name is Husk."


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Requested by: bright_crescent_moon

Sorry for the wait!

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