Drunken Night || LEMON

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[NAME] was doing her daily, job as a spy, collecting as much information as possible. She worked for multiple people, especially for overlords like Alastor. She leans against the door, pulling out her knife, getting ready to stab the person who is coming through. As the sinner make its way, [NAME] came out of hiding and raised her angel knife until she was surrounded by eyes and devil signals. A loud whistle entered her ears, and she groaned in annoyance. 

"What the fuck?" [NAME] reappeared and look around her surroundings in confusion. 

"Hello [NAME]! Glad you could make it!" Alastor wrapped his arms around her neck and lifting her off the ground slightly before dropping them. 

"Alastor! HUH? Why am I here? I had a mission!" [NAME] shouted only to be ignored by Alastor. 

"Your new mission is to help Nifty around the hotel!" Alastor pushed [NAME] to aside, her body slammed against the bar where she made eye contact with Husk. Husk took a sip of his booze and grab one from underneath for her. 

"That bastard took all of us." Husk passes the beer to his co-worker.

"Oh, hey..."


"Right, Husk. My bad, it's been like years since I last saw you." [NAME] chuckled awkwardly, Husk rolling his eyes, and Nifty smiling creepily at her. [NAME] didn't get to see Nifty and Husk too often. When they do, they are usually obliged to do Alastor's dirty work and keep their distance from one another. As the day progressed, [NAME] was informed that she and Nifty would now be the official maids for the Hazbin Hotel. As a result, she was given a uniform that mirrored Nifty's: a red 1950s maid outfit with a white apron over it, but without the three dripping splotches.

After learning the guidelines and analyzing the sort of company she is now conducting. She isn't too upset about quitting her previous job. In this case, they supplied free food, housing, and safety. She has no yearning for redemption since she is aware that they will fail, but she can live with it.

After a week of staying at the hotel, simply brooming, mopping, and cleaning the windows. She found herself at peace, she no longer had to worry about killing people or being murdered herself. Instead, she only needs to worry about cleaning and providing lunch to the crew. [NAME] took a bucket and filled it with soapy water. She grabbed a dry cloth and tossed it in the water before walking to the bar where Husk normally hangs out, but he was not there this time. She put the bucket down and removed the damp rag. She began wiping down the counter, which was partially coated with dry alcohol.

While scrubbing the counter, her nose twitched slightly as she noticed a strong odor of alcohol and cigarettes. She looks around to find Husk yawning and slouching as he slowly approaches where she is. She grinned and rested her palm on her hip for support.

"Good morning, kitty--or should I say good afternoon?" She giggled as Husk grabbed the stool and sat down. He grumbled and rested his head on the countertop. [NAME] stopped smiling and nearly touched his head before quickly pulling away. "Anyways, I washed the dishes for you and the counter is clean."

Husk did not answer, so she walked away... before grabbing two bottles of wine for herself.


[NAME] lay down on her bed, chugged down the bottle of wine, and immediately straightened her tail before relaxing it. Oh, it feels so good to just drink and escape reality for a while, even if the side effect is a severe headache. After she finished the first bottle, she grabbed the second and drank halfway through it until she heard a faint knock on the door. She gently turns to face the door and walks towards it. She answered the door to see Husk carrying a bottle of alcohol.

Husk x Reader : One-Shots (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now