Fainting Spells || Part 3

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She hopped down, and Husk held his arms out in case [NAME] fell. Grinning broadly, she turned to face her partner. Husk took her hand and led her out of her house at night. Since Husk wasn't wealthy or deserving, [NAME] has been unable to inform her parents about their relationship, even though they had been going on for over a year. Her parents held her to high expectations.

"Let's go to the park, I made a few things for you." Husk stated clumsily, a little uneasy. Despite his limited resources, he made every effort to take her wherever she deserved to go. He'll use his savings to purchase bracelets, hairbands, and necklaces for her. She adored and wore them despite the fact that some of them were a little inexpensive. Disregarding her state, he made every effort to apprehend and safeguard her.

They entered a tiny, peaceful park where a picnic blanket with a basket on top was sitting. Husk guided her to the picnic area and assisted her in gently taking a seat. He sat down as well and unlocked the basket. There were fruit salads, wine, beards, and sandwiches inside. They discussed their aspirations and life objectives with each other while they dined together.

"You wanted to a magician? I never thought of you as that." [NAME] giggled and he simply smiled sweetly. 

"Yeah, it's dumb. Ain't it?"

"No! Of course not. I think it's a lovely dream." 

"Now, you're just sayin' that to not hurt my feelin'." 

"No, it's true. I find it charming."

"Alright, enough about me. What about you? Do you always plan on stayin' with your parents?"

"...I'm not quite sure. My parents are old-fashioned and prefer me being a simply, obedient housewife for a man. I never took a thought about my future for myself, or dream about anything else."

"Ignore your parents for now. What do you wish to do?"

"...I supposed I want to open up a business... a cafe to be more specific."

"Do you want to be baker?"

"Yes, I love baking. I often practice at my home. Though, I do not enjoy cleaning even if I am a woman, myself."

"That mindset of women can't do certain things, is bullshit."


"Women can do so much, I heard some women are even fighting for more rights. Fighting against tradition."

"Is that so? I haven't heard much. My family doesn't own anything that receive news."

"Then, I'll tell you what's going on around the world."

"That would be lovely." She looked away and played with her skirt. "I even want to get marry too... I know that it's cheesy and basic response, but I really do want that. Perhaps, bare a few children of my own too." 

Husk slowly pushed her face to gaze at him after placing a gentle touch on her cheek. Their bodies were so near to each other, and his eyes were at ease. He caressed her cheek while gazing into her stunning eyes.

"We can try to make that happen. All of it. Open your own cafe and have a family." He grabbed both of her hands. "[NAME], will you be mine forever? I can imagine us being together, having our own family and loving each other until Earth itself dies. Will you marry me?"

"Of course, I will." Husk stumbled and fell onto his back as [NAME] lunged in for an embrace. She hurriedly apologized as he laughed. She got up gently and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. kissing one other in the moonlight, sealing each other's doom.


Husk made an effort to look fantastic when he woke up early. When he did get to his destination, he had to leave a positive impression. He inhaled deeply after swallowing. He waited patiently for the people inside to open the door for him when he knocked. With a raised eyebrow at the man, the mother opened the door.

"Can we help you?" The mother asked and soon the father of [NAME] appeared behind. 

"I'm here to talk about business and perhaps, a marriage proposes to one of your daughters." In the hopes that it would work and get him in, Husk explained. The pair exchanged glances and grinned. They led him to the living room and opened the door wider for him. [NAME] came downstairs, grinning broadly to see Husk. Her parents asked her to grab them drinks, but she didn't lose her cool.

"So, what's your name, sir?" The father, Victor asked. 

"I go by Husk."

"Such an odd name, I like it." After Victor let out a laugh, [NAME] came back carrying enough beer for everyone. Her foot trembled a little as she was told to sit. anxious about her parents' reaction.

"Yes, well, I'm here to propose a business idea. I heard rumors that you people can help me out on this."

"Is that so? What idea is it?"

"A cafe. Just a simple cafe. I wanted to take a loan from you."

"Hmm... How much will be pay me back?"

"$30 per month?"

"Interesting. Quite a price. Sure, you can afford?"

"Of course I can. Plus, I wouldn't mind marrying one of your daughters." Husk gestured to [NAME], who grinned, thinking her parents would approve.

"I'm afraid you can't marry her." The mother, Opah, said. Bringing shock to both [NAME] and Husk. 


"[NAME] has already been chosen by a richer man. You are quite late to the matter, unfortunately." Opah brought out a picture book underneath the couch and place on the table in front of them. "Don't worry though. We have another daughter, 16 years old. She's with her uncles and aunt, training to become the perfect wife. You can have her hand in marriage, she's pure, and innocent. Something you men love." 

[NAME] started breathing more heavily as her ears started to ring loudly. She is getting married to a different man. She cannot allow this to occur. She will no longer submit to their tyranny. She suffers from all the abuse, just to be secretly married off to someone else. She got up swiftly and angrily pointed at her parents.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! I'm getting married to someone I didn't even meet yet?!" Her father instantly got up after hearing her scream. attempting to frighten her into sitting down and quieting down, but she was unable to take it. Opah knew this was going to happen, so she just took a sip of her beer as Husk and her heart began to race out of her chest.

"I'm so sorry about my daughter. She can be a bit much, reasons why she will be sent to England to marry one of her cousins." Husk saw the indicators growing as Victor continued to explain. He immediately caught her after she passed out. With a sigh, the parents sat down across from one another. Husk wiped her face, realizing that she was crying a little bit since this was hurting so badly.

Husk's expulsion and the revelation of their entire relationship transpired quickly. Victor concealed the keys and secured all of the windows. forcing [NAME] to remain imprisoned in her room after realizing she is no longer able to flee... She would put notes behind the locked door at night, and Husk would put notes back. They converse in this way, and it was gradually killing her. Wanting to be in his arms, embracing, kissing, conversing with each other.


[NAME] look up at the moon while contemplating how she might get out of this terrible land. Something suddenly occurred to her. Glancing toward the kitchen, she picked up one of the sharpest knives she could locate. She cautiously entered the room while she waited for her parents to go to sleep.

When she was finished, she went to the shower after wiping the knife clean and observing the blood run out of the opening. She undressed and gave herself a wash with soap and water. After finishing, she got dressed well and grabbed a bag to fit everything she needed. She strikes a match just before running and throws it onto the couch, instantly setting everything on fire.

Husk waited for her as they fled the house, which was gradually catching fire, while holding hands. Husk didn't mind if she ended their lives. All he's delighted about is that they have eternal life together.


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No part 4, sorry.

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