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[NAME] chooses to disturb Husk once more as they approach the bar. Or better still, speak to him in a foreign tongue. [NAME] took the same seat as usual and waved at Husk to get his attention. She caught his attention as he sighed loudly. "Let me guess, Daiquiri?" Husk asks as he is getting all of the ingredients from underneath. 

"Aw, you remembered my drink," [NAME] smirked as Husk rolled his eyes. [NAME] observes as Husk fills the cocktail shaker with all of the little components and begins vigorously mixing. "Incluso hacer mi bebida te hace lucir tan guapo." Husk was able to overhear [NAME] even though it was spoken quietly.

Husk knew spanish. Always as. But he seldom clarifies it, so [NAME] is in the dark. Due of the compliments Husk is receiving, he always makes sure his face is turned away from [NAME]. And he didn't want the girl to see his flush. His heart felt like it wanted to flee as he continued to listen to [NAME]'s comments. But he had to maintain his composure and convey that he doesn't comprehend her.

After finishing mixing her drink, he carefully transferred it to a stylish glass and garnished it with a sliced lime. The girl's fingertips briefly touched his larger fingers as he gave her the drink. She took the glass away from him after softly rubbing his fingertips. Husk makes no response at all. Husk doesn't react at all. He masters (sort of) the face of a true card player. 

"Gracias, gatito." He gave her a brief frown after she gave him a wink.

"I'm assuming that means, 'thank you' in whatever that language is." In order to reassure the girl that he "doesn't" understand the language, Husk feigned to be ignorant.

"Maybe." She sticks her tongue out playfully at Husk who decided to attempt to repeat the words.

"How do you say it again?" He asks.


"Gra-sass." Husk stated with a deadpan expression, and [NAME] roared with laughter at his attempts. Husk observes [NAME], who had to set her glass down in order to giggle without spilling her favorite beverage. He smiles softly and leans forward to the counter to get a little closer to her but still maintaining enough distance between them since seeing her laugh—which he caused—made him feel youthful and alive. 

"You have to add the accent. Try again." [NAME] began to slowly repeat the word. ""


The very next day after their small spanish lesson, [NAME] took a seat at her favorite spot at the hotel and wave her fingers smoothly as he quickly repeats his action from yesterday. Mix ingredients, pour in a glass, add lime to the rim of the cup, and pass it to the girl. As Husk was cleaning all of the cups from last night, since he was too lazy to do them. Husk places the clean cups from aside and picked up a dirty glass cup. He grabs a moist soaped rag and began to rub the cup to remove the liquid stains. 

"Gatito... Me gusta venir a ti ya que me recuerda a casa. Me hace sentir como si fuera un ser humano en lugar de un pecador en el infierno. Disfruto de tu compañía." She softly said as she took a sip of her drink. "De hecho, estaba nervioso por venir a ti, pero en realidad no eres tan malo como pensé que serías." 

((Translations: Kitty, I like to come to you because it reminds me of home. It makes me feel like I'm a human being instead of a sinner in hell. I enjoy your company...    I was actually nervous about coming to you, but you're actually not as bad as I thought you'd be.))

In order to hear her more clearly, Husk slows down the cleaning process and gently twitches his ears. He noticed himself grinning.

"Todavía me pones nervioso, pero no en el mal sentido. Todavía me pones nervioso, pero no en el mal sentido. En el buen sentido." She faintly blushed as she ran her finger around the cup's rim to temporarily divert her attention. Getting ready to speak the next sentence.

((Translation: You still make me nervous but not in a bad way. In a good way.))

"Te amo, gatito."


Glass fragments littered the floor, startling [NAME] to her core. Husk instantly moved to the opposite side of the mini bar to get a small broom to clean up after himself as he felt ashamed of his own behavior.

"Woah, what happened?" Concerned that he could have understood her at the last bit, [NAME] inquired. After all, hearing those final words is not uncommon.

"I added too much soap so it slipped out of my hands." Husk spoke hastily while hiding his face. After all, hearing those words had turned him hot and caused his heart to continue pounding uncontrollably.

"Oh, okay." She sighed relieved that she didn't understand her words. "Are you okay?" 

Husk ignored her...


Now that Husk is aware of her true feelings for him, he feels brave today and is ready for [NAME] to experience what he has been. While making [NAME]'s drink in advance, he watches as she takes her identical seat.

"Aw, you made it. But does that mean I will no longer watch you make my drink." She sounded disappointed. 

"Maybe." He said blankly. 

"That's a shame. Me encanta verte prepararme una bebida. Te veo bien cuando lo haces." She took a long sip of her beverage in order to complete it and compel him to prepare another one for her. However, Husk inhaled deeply and leaned forward, whispering.

((Translation: I love watching you make my drink. It gives me a good view of you.))

"Si quieres verme, llega temprano. De esa manera, ambos obtenemos lo que queremos." Husk mumbled, and [NAME] quickly choked on her drink and coughed several times aloud. After she calmed down, Husk grinned, and her face turned the brightest red anyone had ever seen.

((Translation: Come early so that way we both get what we want))

"You know?"


"Wha...  Um..." Quickly rising, she indicated the door. "I have to go and do... things." Husk grabs her wrist and gently pulls her toward him as she struggles to flee. The counter is between them, and their hands rest on top of it. Face him and adhere to the gentle force, [NAME]. Husk grabs her hand tenderly while feeling uneasy and forcing himself to speak.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you..." He said softly and [NAME] rub his hand softly. "I understood you all this time. Even yesterday."

"If you don't like it, I could stop." In an effort to relax, she bit her lips. After all, she has a crush on the person who is holding her hand. She didn't want to put an end to this.

"No, idiot... " He look into those beautiful, innocent eyes and struggle to say the next words. "Te amo..."


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Sorry, it takes me time to write since I have school and I need to manage my time to which I suck. 

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