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Charlie now knows how to travel between the worlds of Hell and Heaven. When [NAME], one of her volunteers, realized her shortcomings and her own faults from her previous life, she unintentionally atoned for them. She was completing an activity when it happened, and she was surrounded by dazzling white lights in the middle of three lobby spaces. She closed her eyes, gasping as a white circle ensnared her. When she opened them, she looked nearly entirely different.

Husk stroked her head as the circle released her, covering her body with her huge wings. With a moan, she stood and spread her wings. Pure white, gold, and blue took the place of her dark, melancholy hues. Her eyes were brighter and lighter, and she developed huge wings that carried angelic iconography. She looked radiant, younger than ever, with a brilliant white halo surrounding her head. Husk stepped forward a few of steps in shock, his mouth remaining open.

"Love, is that you?" Trying to contain the tears that were about to spill, Husk muttered. His memories of their time together were overtaken by the impression that she was in her 20s rather than her 70s. He tenderly pecked her face, and [NAME] grinned quietly and clasped his hands.

"Of course it's me." Even her voice was crisp and silky when [NAME] spoke. No longer affected by the negative effects of drinking or smoking. Alastor dropped his staff, something he never would have imagined happening. The green chain around her neck had actually broken and vanished. She was unrestricted. debt-free now. Not confined anymore. Vaggie approached them tremblingly, and Charlie gave the angel a heartfelt smile and embrace.

"Holy shit..." Angel mumbled and started to cry. A tremendous flood of inspiration washed over him as he saw his future in her feet. Nifty—well, she was preoccupied—with bugs.

"How do you feel?" Charlie asked.

"I feel... happy, free, and safe." After giving herself a consoling hug, a portal materialized behind her. While they were all staring, Emily entered.

"I heard a new angel is coming to join us!" Emily smiled broadly as she extended her hand, but [NAME] declined it. Rather, she turned to face Husk, who enveloped her in a firm embrace.

"I can't just leave you here..." He closed his eyes and sighed as she whispered and held into his fur.

"Go to Heaven. It's safer and you'll meet your friends and family again." He placed a small kiss on her lips and golden tears dropped from her cheek. "I'll join you soon. Please wait for me."

She sucked in air in hopes to stop herself from crying, "Of course, I'll wait for you." Their fingers slipped off of each other as they gave each other a tight hug and Husk smelled her. After giving Emily a quick glance and reluctantly shaking her hand, [NAME] turned to face Husk once more. Emily gave Husk a grin that seemed to reassure him that she would keep an eye on him. With them both gone, the cat was left with a strong desire to better himself for his spouse.


Husk gave up one of his favorite habits and tried to avoid going to the pub as much as possible as the months went by. consuming alcohol. His second vice was gambling. He also enjoyed learning new magic tricks and performing them for the staff during his free time. He participated in the exercise and sounded happier than before. He did, of course, have some moments of failure, but he overcame his addiction with the help of Charlie and Vaggie. Since he was getting better, Charlie made him a little certificate that said, "Most Improved." He experienced both happiness and loneliness during those times. I wish [NAME] could witness his recovery...

"HUSK!" Charlie yelled, trying to find the cat that was assisting Nifty with cleaning.

"Yeah Princess?" Husk stopped brooming and Charlie ran up to him excitedly.

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