Overlord's Deal

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[NAME] is a strong overlord who was formerly a well-known singer and is well-known for having her music broadcast. After her stage show was over, [NAME] would head to bars or casinos to unwind and spend time with her old, close pals. After receiving a drink from her pals, [NAME] burst into laughter at her second jackpot victory. People were buying her drinks and encouraging her, especially her supporters, so she could get wasted.

"Is this all you can offer? We bet 100k, you have like 10% of it." [NAME] took a sip of her drink before placing it in front of the poor, trembling sinner. "How are you gonna plan to pay me off, little boy?" 

"...I-I... I don't know. But-" 

"Ugh, seriously? Lame." She tapped the glass and smirked evilly, "I supposed having another soul to my collection wouldn't hurt."

"Th-There has to be another way!" Her supporters snarled at the sinner and shoved him to the ground. With a snap of her fingers, [NAME] produced a brilliant, gorgeous paper with a blank space at the end. Dealing with overlords increases their strength and puts you in grave risk. The sinner's face went red and damp from the strain, and the paper floated in front of him.

"Well? What are we waiting? Sign it and you won't have to pay me with money at all." A pen fell down next to the sinner as his pelvis was being pressed into the floor by [NAME's] foot. He took a big swallow and shook the pen. signing away his life slowly right now...


[NAME] became more well-known in the casino, which increased her influence and caused patrons to lick the floors in her honor. She liked getting attention like this and flirting with strangers—boys, girls, non-binary people—you name it. She indulges in it for enjoyment. Up until another overlord challenged her...

"I heard that you have been beating lots of sinners in casinos lately." A low, quiet voice interrupted [NAME] while her fans were staring at her from behind.

"Hm? Oh, Husk, it's been a while." [NAME] saw the cat take a seat from the other side of the table, winking at him. She gave an innocent smile, "What you have been hearing is true. I know that it's technically your thing, but you wouldn't mind if I take the moment, right?" 

The woman arched an eyebrow as Husk drew out a deck of cards while grinning cheeky at her. "Then you wouldn't mind challenging me, right?" 

As two overlords gambled together—against each other—people gasped around them. They are thrilled to witness it because it is such an uncommon sight. However, [NAME] managed to maintain her composure despite feeling as though her worries were getting the better of her. It's difficult to gamble against an overlord. Usually, what they would want is sex, money, or a soul. She doesn't know Husk well enough to be certain of his character. She really wants to turn down this challenge, but she also doesn't want to come across as cowardly.

"Sure, this will be fun! Wanna bet money?" [NAME] got comfortable on the chair and her fans were cheering her on. 

"I don't need money." 

Damn it.

"Oh? Wanna lay in the sheets together?"


Oh no... Please don't...

"Let's gamble with our souls. If you win, my soul is yours forever. But if I win, everything you have, even your soul is mine." Husk rested his arm on the table, waiting for his fellow overlord to agree. 

"Wow, straight to the point. I like that, sure." He cut it short just as Husk extended his hand to shake it. "However, I pick the game." Husk shook [NAME's] hand, causing a shock wave of purple and red to spread around the casino.

"What are we playing?" Husk asked.

"Rock, paper, scissors." She said which made him burst out laughing, thinking that it was a joke only to see that she was serious. 

"You're fucking joking, right?" Husk calms his laughter and [NAME] rolled her eyes. 

"The people here in the casino will be given a small blank card and black marker. They can decide to draw rock, paper, or scissor. With those drawing, they will be place in a box and mix them." With a quick snap of her fingers, a white metal box materialized between them. A black marker and a white blank card were now in the people's hands. "Then WE, the overlords, choose three random cards from the box and those will determine our luck. We get three rounds, sound fair?"

"Seems interesting. Alright, let's start." Husk looked at the girl who had given him an air kiss and sighed while he waited for the others to finish their sketches. He quickly averted his gaze to observe the individuals inserting their cards into the box.

Five minutes later, everyone has turned in their cards, and a volunteer from the audience shakes the box. Before long, the box was set aside, and Husk grabbed three cards before [NAME] took his turn. Husk noticed a tiny smile on her face as they both silently glanced at their cards. He had heard from other offenders that occasionally her cards do not match her expression and that she occasionally lies. Her countenance also seems to be gambling.

"Husk, are you ready?" [NAME] glide her fingers through the cards and he nodded.

"Rock, paper, scissor!" They both said and slam their cards down.

They both picked paper and [NAME] giggled, "Oh, it's a tie. Let's try that again, shall we?" 

Thus, they placed down their cards again and Husk got rock while [NAME] got scissors. She frowned and sighed, "Hm... lucky kitty."

They leave again. This time, [NAME] won plus to make it a draw. To decide who had won, they both reached in for three more cards. Her heart stopped briefly as [NAME] gazed at her cards. Every one of them was a rock. Her armpits began to get moist, and she could feel herself becoming hot. Her posture remained composed as she glanced at Husk's face. Nothing. Soulless. I suppose she is facing off against the tyrant of gaming.

When Husk noticed [NAME] stimming awkwardly, he realized something was wrong with her cards. She might be lying yet again. It struck him as odd that most of her admirers weren't staring at him. He spotted something that drew his attention as he peered intently into [NAME]'s eyes.




"Oh, Husk. Such a shame that you lost, guess you are--" [NAME] felt her heart explode as she looked down at the cards. Her movements abruptly ceased as her face went completely pale. Did she lose? "What? How... How did I...?" With a roar, she punched the table till a dent was made.

"You didn't think I would notice?" Husk chuckled and placed all his cards down.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You were cheating."


"The mirror from behind was exposing my cards, I saw it through your eyes. I changed my card at the last minute." Husk let out a wild laugh, and despite her best efforts to be composed, [NAME]'s breathing increased. The audience let out a gasp and yelled for [NAME]. Husk put a glowing crimson chain around her neck and slowly tugged it to get closer. She crept carefully to Husk's area while he tugged, staring fiercely into his orange eyes. Her name is no longer on anything she owns. 

"Seems like you're mine now, doll."


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