Fainting Spells || Part 2

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Year 1920

As time passes and she sees her father pound beer against the wall and yell in her daughter's face, [NAME]'s condition gets worse. She attempted to calm herself, but she felt overwhelmed, and her vision was whirling. Her breathing quickens, and her father pulls her to his face by grabbing a fistful of her hair.

"What did I say about you leaving this damn house?" Her father struck her face repeatedly till she broke down in sobs.

"I-I'm sorry... I... wasss..." It didn't take long for [NAME] to pass out, and the father threw her against the wall while snarling fiercely. After lighting up a cigarette and taking a puff, her mother entered the room and passed by her daughter's body.

"Dear, calm down. Your face is getting red, it's not a good look you know." The mother takes her husband by the hand and leads him over to the couch, where he sits.

"That whore should have been out of here, long ago just like her sister." The girl was still on the floor, her eyes closed, and the father looked back at her while rubbing his brow.

"That ain't going to happened. Who would marry a broken girl like her? Sure, she is a virgin, but her condition is the main concern." To soothe her husband, the mother rocked him back and forth while perched on his lap.

"She's so useless. All she does is faint and faint. She could be faking it for all we know." A rustle was heard, and the father muttered. He turned to see that her daughter had woken up and was holding her head, probably in pain. "Get the fuck out of my sight. Go to room." 

[NAME] went to her room because she didn't even want to stay there. She shut the door and clenched her fist. Oh, how she imagined herself stabbing them while they slept, and how deeply she wanted to hurt them. This was a location she detested. She detested the way she was. She could be in a better place if she could simply find a husband. But then, what if her husband is worse than her parents? would be a question that would arise. Why wasn't she born a man?


The sound made her wince, and she turned to peer out the window as another pebble was thrown at it. She moved in its direction and lifted the window to see her buddies below. Liam, James, Grace, Michelle, and Elizabeth.

"Heyyy, want to come with us?" Grace yelled, "I want to get out of here," though [NAME] would typically be cautious. She consented, and after that she made a rope for herself out of blankets and clothing. She threw it out the window and started to descend gradually till she came to rest against the ground.

"Oooh, girl, what happened to your face?" Michelle put her hand on the hurt girl's face, but the girl dismissed it and moved on.

"Where are we going?" [NAME] asked.

"To the blind pigs! Come on, I know a place." Jame proudly announced. 


They all entered the club, where jazz music was playing and patrons were mingling or dancing. [NAME] never visited the club, but she was amazed by what she saw. Bars are forbidden and kept out of sight. It can be difficult to locate a bar, but it is easier if you know someone. James and Grace strolled into the dance studio and danced passionately to jazz music. Liam and Elizabeth went to visit with some other friend group to have a brief conversation. Michelle and [NAME] together without a planned date. [NAME] strolled over to the bar and sat down on the stool, her companion down next her.

"Hey, bartender, be a dear and get me an aviation." Michelle ordered and the bartender nodded. "How about you girl?"

"Oh... I can take a water."

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