Day of the Dead

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[NAME] put a photo of her pet bird, a gorgeous lovebird with a mango motif, on top of the vibrant ofrenda that Charlie and Vaggie had kindly assisted her in building. Reaching for a tiny silk pillow, [NAME] placed it on the ground in front of the ofrenda. In order to protect her white bones, she kneels on the cushion and brings her hands together. She calmly closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Husk opens a bottle, which did not irritate [NAME] since she was too engrossed in her own prayer. Instead, he raised an eyebrow.

Why the hell is she praying? What's the point of it?

Following a brief period of prayer, [NAME] opened her eyes gradually and bowed to her animals on the ofrenda... She never liked her family, even though she didn't really know them so she was sold to a spouse who would support her. Because she was powerless to intervene and demand her own terms, she detested every second of it. That was in her earlier years. Fortunately, women are gradually gaining authority and parity with males as time goes on. Unfortunately, since she had already passed away and Hell was, well, hell, it was too late for her. Terrible.

In preparation for tomorrow's prayer, [NAME] got up and slid the pillow under the ofrenda. Charlie emerged from the corner to smile at the photos of her friend's pets while she was tidying up.

"They are so cute!" Charlie exclaimed excitedly.

[NAME] smiled gently, "Thank you, I'm sure they would have loved you too."

"...I do have one question if you don't mind me asking."

"Sure, ask away."

"Why do you pray? I'm not against it! Just curious since normally, people in Hell don't pray anymore and resent god." 

Husk gave them a sidelong glance and put down his glass to get a better listen. Husk was also intrigued by [NAME]'s response, as she still had a smile on her face.

"Well, I don't pray to god." [NAME] grabbed a picture of one of her cute pets, a green, scale snake.

"Oh?" Charlie tilted her head to the side in surprise. Not expecting that answer at all. "Then who were you praying to? My dad?"

[NAME] laughed softly before placing the picture down next to a dead, demon rat. "I pray to my pets. I don't worship anyone, and I pray to my pets to... I guess to take care of them spiritually. Hoping that they are at peace in heavan and not here with me."

"Oh, that's interesting. I heard that chinese people do that, they pray to their anestors." Charlie tap her lip to think it through since she remembers learning about it in a book. 

"Humans are very similar, aren't they?"

"Yep, they are."


The following day, [NAME] emerged from her room to carry out her previous day's routine once more and take the leftover food from the ofrenda. She knelt on top of the pillow and replaced them with fresh food. She prayed for each of her creatures, putting her hands together and closing her eyes. Conversely, Husk put down his glass and moved to stand next to [NAME], subtly drawing her attention.

"You know, it's awkward for you to just stand there next to me." [NAME]stopped what she was doing and put her hands on her laps. Her eyes met Husk's with a kind and inviting gaze, and he gazed down at her while folding his arms.

"Do you only pray to pets?" Husk asked.

"I do. But I am sure other people pray to God, ancestors, or anything they believed in." [NAME] raised her hand out to welcome him. "Even you can give it a try too." 


"Don't force yourself either if you aren't ready."

As [NAME] lowered her hand, Husk abruptly grabbed it, startling her for a moment before grinning and lowering him gradually to the ground. Husk tries to squat down, but he feels pain right away. He then tries to adjust himself.

"Sit in any position. Being comfortable is important." [NAME] advised him and he just crossed his legs. "Is there anyone that you want to pray?"


"It can be anything. Your pet, your late lover, parents, even god." He just took a long breath before closing his eyes as [NAME] continued to stare at him. When she followed suit, there was a brief, quiet pause.


Husk had a bowl of apples from the kitchen and a tiny picture in his hands in the middle of the night. He approached the ofrenda and set the objects down. His mother was the older woman in the photo, smiling broadly. As [NAME] showed her, he kneels down correctly and clasps his hands together. He prayed for her, hoping that she was sleeping peacefully among the angels in heaven. He finished his prayer by bowing his head and getting to his feet. He gave the ofrenda a smile before turning to go to his room.

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