Imp Stripper {Smut}

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The stripper grinds against the long pole that is fastened to the ceiling and the floor as music is playing in the background. To get some money in, the customers would go to the bar Husk works at. The strippers, one of them is an attractive imp dancing and holding onto the pole, occasionally caught Husk's attention.

The stripper would purposely expose herself more to the audience, but her eyes are almost always on Husk's. It's almost as invitation for him. Husk isn't used to this type of attention, in fact, he loved that a beautiful woman would show interest in him. Although, he doesn't want to get ahead of himself, so he simply sends glances towards her. 

The venue will close after the performance, and patrons will either be picked up by security and thrown in the trash or leave intoxicated. After the remaining strippers have finished packing up and the venue is vacant, depart from there. There was one stripper that is always left behind with Husk to which she loves so much. Husk faced her while he continued to polish the glass, and she would still dress in her most skimpy attire solely for him. She sat down on the bar stool.

"Can I help you?" He spoke softly, almost feeling nervous talking to her. 

"Not much. Perhaps a quick drink, darlin'?" The imp pushed her breasts together to make them appear bigger. Husk looks away immediately with a flustered expression.

"What drink?" He asked.

"You can decide on that." 

Thus, Husk got to work on the beverage immediately while [NAME] looked at him longingly. absorbing every glimpse and picture of him. She hopes she could spend all day taking him in and entertaining him in private. However, she noticed the man's hesitation and surmised that perhaps he is just shy or that she unnerves him. In any case, she can't help but feel a slight affection for the older man. She thought maybe her figure might entice him, but he never once made an effort to flirt or make physical contact with her. That about him had to be respected by her.


The next day rolled around and [NAME] was called in for the show next. She wearied one of the sexiest outfits, she bought and walked on stage. She grips onto the pole and swing herself around it for a bit before hugging the pole, forcing it to be between them. She watched the audience throw money and whistle at her to get her attention. However, her eyes scan the bar and noticed that the bartender wasn't Husk. It was someone else. 

Day off? 

The show must go on, even though she is upset that her favorite sinner isn't present tonight. She then touched her own body to pique the interest of the crowd and persuade them to part with their cash. That day, she most likely made the most money.

After her performance, she decided to take a break so that the other strippers could continue with their acts. She usually stuffs all of her earnings into her tiny locker and leans against it to pass the time as she browses social media. She didn't pay attention to the strippers when she heard the door open and assumed it was one of them.

"[NAME]?" One of her managers said to which she shoved her phone in the locker. She isn't allowed to be distracted on her phone while she's working.

"I'm here!" [NAME] shouted out and walked around the corner to meet up with her manager.

"Private room." The manager explains, scanning the clipboard in front of him.

"For how long?" She hoped at least 15 minutes.

"Two hours."

"Two hours?!"

"Yes, two hours and you better make sure he didn't regret paying this much for you." He gave a warning and turned to go. Leaving the imp disappointed and in wonder. She only ever received 20 minutes because, being an imp, she isn't as well-liked as the other strippers. The price every five minutes is ten dollars, so whomever paid this much to watch had to be a really scary or lustful enthusiast. With a sigh, she moved in the direction of the private rooms. The client would be in the private rooms, hoping to have a good time with the strippers, who use sophisticated fonts. The rooms contain a big heart-shaped bed, a mirror, and sexual items. A tiny refrigerator that can store water, soda, and alcohol. Standing just in front of her room, she hoped that this door would reveal at least a handsome man, but she had doubts. Numerous ones. She inhaled deeply before pushing the door open. Inside, a man was standing and scanning the room via faded pink lights.

"Husk?" [NAME]'s eyes widened as he turned around to look at her.

He sat down on the plush, fluffy bed and asked. "Ya took your time to get here. It ain't gonna count it as my time, right?"

"No, it won't. Once I start the timer, then it starts." With a sly smile, she moved toward Husk. "I might delay it for a bit for you." Husk grinned more broadly when he heard her put her hand on his shoulders. He wanted to touch her, he wasn't sure whether it was okay until she put his hand on her behind,

"Stop being such a gentleman. Touch me anywhere." She sat down on his lap, her chest resting against his. Reaching up to her back, he gently nudged her in his direction. initially soft, slow, and passionate as he pressed his lips on hers. The kiss became more passionate and hungrier as she pressed herself up against his groin. He puts his tongue inside her mouth and tastes and feels her completely. As they gradually sank onto the bed and kept feeling each other's bodies, she pressed her weight against his.

He was dissatisfied and left wanting more as she withdrew her kiss. Slowly, she started to feel his chest and worked her way down to his pants. Already the boner was protruding, twitching, clamoring to go inside her. He eases his way up to her hands and rubs his boner against her as she gently unzips his pants.

"Patient kitty. Good thing comes when you wait."


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I felt sort of embarrassed writing this. Unfortunately, since I never experience this, I can't exactly describe the scene yet. Anyways, this was new and interesting for me to write.

Inspired by: @YEET1031 

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