Feather and Whiskers || LEMON

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[NAME] strolled along the road and paused to board the bus in front of a dilapidated bench stop. With his phone out of his pocket, he began to browse the headlines, which included Princess Charlie's elevation to the Happy Hotel. He saw Charlie and Katie Joykill sparring on the TV and laughed.

"Hey, baby, what'cha laughing about?" An eerie sinner spoke up and approached the peacock too closely.

[NAME] sighed heavily, "I'm a man. I'm not interested. So leave me alone." Still keeping his eyes on the phone, hoping that the man will leave but he didn't listen. 

"A man? Nice try. You literally have curves, a feminine voice and you're too pretty to be a man." With his hands on the peacock's waist, the creep began to feel his physique. [NAME] sighed in irritation and, to be honest, chose to let it go because, at this point, he's become accustomed to it. He would be touched by creeps, who would then react in one of two ways after feeling his penis. Disgusting or turned on. The eerie realized that the peacock wasn't lying at all when he grabbed his crotch and discovered that there was, in fact, a penis there.

"Oh shit, you are a guy." The creepy began to rub the crotch. "I honestly don't mind this. Reminds me of Angel Dust." 

With her tail spread wide, [NAME] smacked them with his big, pink and white feathers. The peacock withdrew a feather-shaped dagger and pointed it towards the creep's throat as it dropped to the ground. glaring as dirty as possible at the creep before the creep punched them in the face and made them drop their knife. The intruder used their fight as an opportunity to continue feeling the person beneath him. That is, until the creep became limp and lifeless, and a white spear passed through his chest. [NAME] pulled the body away from him and turned to face the rescuer. Beside the princess of Hell, there was a woman with long, gray hair and an X on her eye.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" Princess Charlie offered a hand to which he hesitantly accepted and raised an eyebrow. 

"It's sir, but thanks. What do you want? Money? Sex?" [NAME] crossed their arms in what appeared to be a request for a reciprocation.

"Actually, we don't--" The gray woman attempted to clarify but was yanked away from her girlfriend and they began speaking to each other. Charlie saw that the man was already frowning, as if he could have a debt to them.

"You can join our hotel! The Happy Hotel to help redeem yourself and get yourself to Heaven." Charlie explained excitedly. 

"Oh right. I heard about it on the news, you were fighting with Katie Killjoy, and you have no evidence of this working."

"Um... Yeah, but I believe that you will be a great candidate, also sorry for calling you ma'am."

[NAME] remain silent for a while, staring at the ground while he gathers his thoughts. Free food, free shelter, and protection—especially from those exterminators—will all be provided. Not too bad of a deal...

"Okie, sure. I can move in. I'll try to 'redeem' myself. Couldn't hurt to try." 

He was taken off guard and made quite anxious as he felt a pair of arms suddenly draw him close. What a strange young woman...

"OMG, thank you, thank you, thank you! You will not regret this!" Charlie smiled so brightly that it could outshine the sun itself. 

"Babe, give him some space." The woman chuckled and pulled Charlie away from [NAME]. "By the way, I'm Vaggie and this is the princess of Hell, Charlie. Though, I'm sure you knew about that by now. You are?"

"[NAME]. I guess we'll keep in touch then..."

"Sure will!" They both got in their fancy car and drove away...

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