Have you ever tried to talk to somebody or you just pour your heart out in a conversation and realize that the whole time you were practically talking to their fucking scalp?It agitates me when people don't listen, or glue their face to their phone or anywhere else the entire time you're speaking to them.
It's so damn rude and disheartening, because tbh I don't really speak up that often or voluntarily talk for a long time as much as I used to.
And the fact that people don't make even the slightest effort to listen makes me want to just not talk at all, it's just that discouraging.
It's fucking common courtesy to listen to somebody when they're trying to speak to you, it doesn't matter who it is. It doesn't matter if it's a bitch you don't like, your family members, and even your closest friends. I wish people grasped that.
I wish for there to be more people who understand the importance of just giving someone the time of day, to just openly communicate anything so that they don't just have it bottled up inside, thinking that no one will care everytime they go to say something. People who will pay attention and try to give a shit no matter what.
I need that around me or at least I need that for others that have shìttier confidence than I do. If me or someone else already has a practically nonexistent self esteem, nobody listening or caring for others but themselves drill it down to nothing.
So I guess a the last but important point I want to make is that everyone has an impact on the world, even if you don't think so or realize it. Just your actions towards others can make a difference for the better.
Byeeeeeee don't wring a bitches neck when they're not listening, you're just too fab for them anyway.