11. Siblings

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This rant is actually a collab with my day 1 nigga @UnEarthlyZiall and it's inspired by our 2 dollar bitch siblings.

A majority of us have siblings and they all suck camel cock.

And most of the time we wish for a car to high five them in the face.

There are different categories of siblings that we are going to discuss.

Including the parent, who brings it upon them to enforce rules that they know damn you're not gonna follow.

Like:" go to bed, it's late" "use and inside voice" "don't fangirl in public you piece of embarrassing shit." "Hey don't curse"

Then we have queen the Latifah, (don't ask why I said Latifah bc idk) which is the one that thinks they're hot shit and gets what they want 24/7.

Basically: *cries* *gets the world plus Uranus*

*cries* *obama begins worshipping her*

*attempts to look good* *asks if they look good* *you are now puzzled bc why tf is your 5 year old ass dressing up?

Who you tryna impress?

Your kindergarten teacher like dafuq?*

Furthermore we've got the bitchy one, who happens to find a way to complain about eVERYTHING IMAGINABLE, and is just hella rude like pls stop.

Kinda just: "harrys shoes are so glittery like why" um listen hoe those shoes cost more than the tuition to the college you're never gonna attend bc you stupé af.

"CaLUM ran away faster than Ashton's dad did"- this actually wasn't one of our siblings but it was some other basic bitch that needs to reevaluate herself. And choke on chode.

Moving right along..

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST FOR NOW THERES THE STUPID ONE. this happens to be the one that makes the wiggles fans look like geniuses.

For example: "how to you spell heart?" Smh

"Why do you wear so much black and listen to blink 182?? Are you emo??" niGGAHH.

This is just a few examples of siblings that we decided to mention, trust us we're aware that there is many more but we too lazy to go on jew know what im sayin?

Byeeeeeee don't look up larry fan art unless you truly believe your eyes are prepared

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