This is going to be the first installment of (kinda embarrassing, maybe funny, or oprah status inspiring) stories about my hella eventful (bAhaha no) life.
I guess the first story I'll tell is something that happened to me just a couple weeks ago when I was sitting on this chair in the middle of a park where there was a lot of kids running and frolicking about into the sunset and shit.
And what happened was that this little kid that was like 4 came up behind me and started kinda feeling me up through the open spots on the back of the chair and I felt so violated ( ;-;)
Don't even get me started with the bitches sitting around me who were all like 'aWWW HES SHO FECKING CEWT OH MY GAHD!!1!1!'
His mom didn't even do anything she just ignored the fact that her son was entering the early stages of fuckboy.
So I took matters into my own hands and turned around and grabbed his pudgy rapey hands and said 'child I don't appreciate this, go rub carlos with ur chubby sweaty palms' and he just kept giggling like a psychopath tf????
I then turned to his mama bear and gave her a look that basically said "please come collect ur child"
Byeeee don't let some 2 & 1/2 foot fuckboy come and molest you. Fight for your rights fam.