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The wind outside was houling like crazy as it brushed the leaves that stood in the garden.The shade made by them reflected the same imaginary inside the room where two tired eyes rested in.Staring at the ceiling,into the abyss.

It was another one of those nights.

The ones where you can't sleep.So you just decide on staring mindlessly untill this faithfull night actually reaches its dreadfull end,something that does not seem like it will happen.

He rolled over,trying to close his eyes once more.
Just sleep for goodness sake.

His mind filled with foggy thoughts and too lazy to even form questions.
He was so tired.

So why can't he sleep??

He held his arm up and reached for his phone,holding it up to see the time



Well fuck it.

He isn't going to get anymore sleep that is for sure.Such a shame.

He moved his almost limp body threw the ruffled sheets and got up sitting on the bed.

He ruffled his messy raven hair and froze once more.Tired to think.

One more of those dreams huh.

Those dreams that never seem to have a finish,they just get interupted,maybe making him feel sad or guilty.Like someone just left along with his hope.

Making him wake up in a cold sweat and shaky breath,maybe a nightmare.

It was something normal to him,this was just ordinary.

A lot of people left from his life,its not like he cares.

Not anymore.That only leads to problems and unessisary complications.

He got up and slowly but steady went down the stairs trying not to wake up his mom.

Why become a problem this late at night anyways.

His bare feet touching the cold floor as they slided to the fridge.The light of the frozen compartment almost blinding those hazel eyes.

He reached for a can and silided to his room once more.

With a crack he opened the can and took a long sip,the fizzy juice stinging his throat and kicking that little energy he needed in.


That fucking boy again.


He stared out the window as he starts to remeber some flashs of the dream he keeps seeing,haunting him in a sort of way.

A boy.
Like about 10 years old sitting under a tree.Its was so bright,he covered his eyes from the light.

Barely seeing his face.Something he can't even imagine if he wanted to.

The lemons sitting above him staying happily with water speckles.

They promised something,what was that?

He remeberes saying something to the boy,a pinkie promice.

But he can't remeber...

The fog of thought only becoming bigger by the second,probably leading to nothing.

He can't remeber.
What he promised for...

He felt sorry.maybe that is why he was guilty.

His guilty conscience playing with his head.

He looked familiar.The boy.


I'm sorry boy.I can't even remember who you are.Maybe you are noone,maybe you are just a dream,

maybe you were just ment to be forgotten and that i should just learn to let go,maybe even both,

but if so then just leave me fucking alone.

I cant-

His train of thought being cut of from the sudden beem of light of sun that shone threw his window.

It doesn't matter annyways



I'm back.

How is everyone?


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