Uncertain feelings

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A cold breeze flew threw his cold frame and bit his ears with it's crisp flow.He rubed his hands and shoved his already red knuckles in hispockets as his feet were finding his way home.

A sidewalk.Some trees.

A car passing by with unnecessary speed.

His head was feeling dull and unbothered by the fact that this walk felt like forever.

He simply can't whait to be home right now in his own peace after a day like today.

Well not compleately at peace with his brothers under the same roof but he can't really complain can he.

He let out a sigh,finally seeing the familiar garden porch and it's characteristic large tree that had a little swing hung up to it.It came with the house,probably from the past owners,and it didn't bother anyone enough to want it removed.

It was almost cute Wilbur thought.
The little vines that dangled around the tree itself and some corners of the porch gave the house a rather lovely sight.

He walked on the stairs and entered the door,closing it after.

His legs led him to the main korridor of the first floor noticing that noone was home yet.He shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

The same chair he has sat on for dozens of times now has never looked more comfortable for someone heavyheaded and uncertain guy like Will.

The actions and late memoried kept bothering the tall male creeping into his head and not leaving him alone.Just mocking him in a way only Wilbur could find so familliar.

Even he can't beleve himself sometimes.How can someone be so inconsistent with anything that is happening to him all the time.

He felt like a pure wimp,a daydreamer.He can't think of a single reason or right thing he has done today.For anyday of that matter.Since he came here.

God how much he hates change.He simply can't bare it.

He feels like he has entered a new timeline or some shit.He doesn't feel at home.He didn't feel like home there either...but younger him may have had some credit for it.

The moment he heard he was going to be moving he remembers feeling a drill in his stomach bubbling unpleasant flows up his head that was ready to pop with dislike,fear,call it whatever.

It does sound rather melo-dramatic but even he doesn't exacly know why he felt like this.

This place just gives him unclear deja vu that taunts his head to find it and understand its mistery,but instead just drowning him in thought and unpleasant remains of a puzzle he couldn't solve.He was scared to do so...

Even thinking about it now just worried him more about the evolving state he felt himself trapped in.Like an idiot.He shouldn't be thinking about this.It's nothing.



Maybe he really was just a hot mess that can't see the bigger picture but instead focus on himself.

He can't think outside his own box.

Maybe that was the problem.

Just like the ravenette had told him.


How ca he even forget-

His train of thought got interupted by someone entering the room,closing the door slowly with a toul aroung his pink hair and a cheap store croissant in his mouth.

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