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The rough sound of the concrete sidewalk rubbing against converses followed Alex as he made his dreadful way to another day of school.

His eyes tired from no sleep and his hands taking up space in his pockets as it was very cold outside.


After some while his legs stopped to notice the garden gate of his school almost hitting his face.Maybe not physically but kinda ironically.

He let out a sight and entered that establishment with no hope of anything interesting today.

Like always.

It just seemed like every single day was just repeating itself lately,over and over again.He enteres school,goes into class,zones out for the most part and maybe takes some notes.Mostly trashy sketches and marks but still something.He heads home and what happens there is no strange thing.

He doesn't know when it started being like this,but that is not important.What is important is when it is going to end,if it ever going to.

This endless cycle of nothingness.

He looked around to find his friend.Maybe he didn't come yet.He saw around and stoped,soon noticing his friends glasses and light colored hair walking toards him.

He smiled soflty.

"Alex!What's up man:)"said Charlie looking down to the slightly shorter male.

"I'm good.How have you been?"
They started walking inside the building and to their lockers to trade their first lesson books.

"Eh I've been good this weekend.Decided on finishing another chapter of the game i started yk.It's preety long but i think ill finish it by this month.Maybe if I don't..."

Charlie kept talking as Alex listened but soon gazed behind his friend.Noticing Justin and his other shitty friend looking at someone.

That someone was him.What?

What the fuck do they want this time.

They kept looking at him angerly as if they are trying to threten him with a glare.

Justin brushed his hand over his hair and made a sign with his fingers as if to come here to him.

He had something to say.

whatever it was,it was proably nothing.

Alex could have not care less,maybe he was talking to someone else behind him or something.

He swears he has bad blood with everyone in this school,its honestly pathetic.

Couldnt find another way to gain popularity so just decided to get it threw hatred,"fights" and conflicts.A lawful kings greedy downfall.

Plus,who was he to care about it anyways.

What do you think?His like was not that boring.

"I think i should play that game two,it sounds cool."said Alex after he realised Charlie was done explaining.

"Please do,I adore it."


The first periods just came and went like always and nothing really seemed to stir the pots.

Some new students came this week but they have been coming for weeks now so no big diffrence.

New work establishments have reopened again after years since the last generation of workers have retired leaving open spaces for a lot of adults that worked here before in this town.So maybe thats why we have had so many interns lately in our school.

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