Football field

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The hot rays of the noon sun peirced threw the football field and all the seats around it.It was another shitty Wednesday in Pandoras High and our ravenhead was sitting on the 8 stare of the f row with his best friend.

Just watching the selected football team that had their time to "shine" in he field.Meanwhile Alex was sitting on the "bench" not even complaining because he didn't want to play football anyways.

There was one thing to complain about tho.It was so fucking hot in here.His head was swirling and jumping from one side to the other.

He could feel his sweat sweating for fucking sake.

Why couldn't they stay somewhere shady if they weren't going to play?Now they have to sit here and just watch some other teens play for whatever reason they had in PE.


This is why PE sucks.This,and the 5 laps they had to run threw this big ass field.

His head hurt.

"It's so hottt"he said with a whiny voice toards his friend who was launching on his back toards the already boiling seats they had the luck to sit on.

Charlie coughed and looked at Alex.

"Alex.I can't decay and let the sun turn my body into ashes and end my suffering if you won't stop whining"said Charlie in a raspy voice.

He was not feeling this as well.Noone was.

Alex whined once more.
"Whaat the fuckkk.I can feel my organs sweating....IM TURNING INTO LIQUID."

Charlie got up and looked at the coach who was just about to begin the game.

The game hasn't even started yet and he can feel his brain melting by every passing second.

"The game just started."said Charlie hopeless.

He looked at Alex and noticed his beany that was still sitting at the top of his head.

"Dude.Why don't you take your beany off?Its probably turing your brain to hot mush."said Charlie closing his eyes.

Alex looked at Charlie with tired eyes and thought about it.

"*sighs*I haven't gotten a haircut in a while now.I probably need it."said Alex playing with it.

"Im sure it's not that bad."

"No no,I might even have grown to like it"he said the last part under his breath.

Alex looked down into the field.

He could see some of his classmates running around the field and atempting to catch the ball.There was Dream,Sapnap,Foolish and some other dudes he couldn't care enough to remember.

That was one team.The other held some new people.Probably comming from the comming interns.

Yep,there was Will and Fundy.

Fundy wasn't an Intern but those two were the only people he could recognise,others were new.

After a while of plaing and just running around Alex started noticing the game more delicately now.

His head running out of ideas.

Dream just catched the ball and ran toards the other team,Sapnap and another random dude,they were blocking some members on the opposite team so he could have a clear path.

Dream ran and went pass their territory with full speed.His cookiness showed in the ways he was running in the score zone(?).Full of confidence and  security.

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