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"I don't need your pity or protection,I assure you of that."said Alex putting his hands in his pockets,not looking away from him.

Him and his face.

He noticed how his eyebrows rose up and he pursed his lips.Maybe a little dissapointed or surprised with the responce.

What?What is surprising with the responce.He didn't need to get involved with this and he made it quite obvious that he shouldn't of have either.


What help??He didn't need help for shit and now sitting in front of him as if he did the right thing.Unbeleavable.

"I'm sorry if I offended you,didn't know that was a soft topic..."he said.

"No you didn't,there is nothing to be offended about."said Alex pretending he didn't hear that last word.

"You sure?You seem like i did.

Might peirce my head with a stare like that."said the brunnete with a slight smile.

He got caught off guard.

Alex looked down and pretended to be busy with something else.He couldn't stand the taller looking at him either.

He looked at Justin.His body still unconscious from the bleeding.

The more he looked the more his head had time to process what was arpund him.

He was out of class,in an class hour,talking to someone he just met,with a guy unconscious on the floor.

Now he is not a professional,but it is obviously noticable that he needs the school nurse.

Some ice would help.

"Who even are you"said Alex using his leg to roll Justin on his back.


"U talking to me or the body"said the brunnete from behind,sarcastically.

Alex turned to him with an annoyed glare"Yes.Because Justin can clearly listen to me right now."

"No,I just thought since you were avoiding eye contact,maybe you weren't talking to me,you know?Simple confusion."

"Is this better??"said Alex getting up and standing right infront of the taller,looking up to the tallers face with a wrinkled nose.

Wilbur saw the shorter stand before him,he couldn't help but smile to this little thing they got going on.Call it whatever.

"I suppose so.

What did you want to ask me?"said the brunnete,satisfied with his victory.

It was probably a bad idea to be acting like this,especially since the both of them had been already done with a fight,

but fuck it.It was a little fun to mess with him.

Alex let a huff.

"What- What are you trying to do?Are you lost?Is that it?!if so you can just say where you want to go and i can show you.

Why are you still here??What-"

"Why are you mad."he said slightly chuckling.

Alex stopped.He looked away.

Maybe he was overreacting.

Maybe he was just still processing the fight.Maybe the both of them weren't supposed to be here.

But he can't just stand this guy.What is he trying to do??This is their first time seeing each other and he was already annoyed by him...

He sighted.

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