The Home Again Jig

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Jin had been home since June 2024. Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon were back by the end of December of 2024 and early January 2025. Jimin had been worried after his father had a mild heart issue and was released early from service. By mid 2025, everyone that cared about BTS's promised 2025 comeback, was on pins and needles. Regular reports on JK and V showed that they were doing well, but their release dates were November 2025 and January 2026. There were rumors about bargaining for time off for performances and early releases. Nothing was concrete.

Amy, Tara and Alex had bonded over the many months. Stories of home, many cups of coffee and glasses of soju, comparing winters from Canada to Georgia to West Virginia, and reliving times spent driving all over to shop or work. Tara and Alex never brought up their relationships with the guys. Amy suspected, especially when the other two would look dreamy when talking about their biases or look at each other and blush knowingly. But Amy never pried. Relationships with members were hush hush and she knew that. It became more obvious as she got to know them.

When either of them got a normal text, they answered it and moved on. When certain other texts would come through, Alex and Tara would glow. Their faces lit up, they even blushed on occasions. Sometimes they would excuse themselves from the table or room and Amy would hear hushed excited voices. And it had gotten worse since their biases return from active military status.

Much much worse.

At first it was the odd cancelation of plans, then it was later and later before she could reach them on days off. When Saturday dinner was pushed back a third time in a month, Amy finally called Alex out over coffee.

"So, am I being stonewalled, or are you going to tell me how your date was with Namjoon?"

Alex had been blowing on her coffee and almost choked. "We aren't dating! Not really. Are we so obvious? "

Amy nodded, smirking. "The giggling and blushing was hard to miss, but since he's been home, you blush every time I mention him."

"I hate keeping things from you, but if anyone found out..."

"Firstly," Amy leaned back against the seat, "my soul is discretion. And I know you can't talk about it. It's dangerous for you both, and his image. So call him Derek or something."

"OK. Derek. He wouldn't find that amusing but I hate keeping you in the dark."

"So, how deep is your relationship?"

"Deep? You mean like are we heading towards engaged or whatever." Alex looked out the shop window. "It's not like that. I have fallen for him. Like really deeply fallen. But I've kept him at bay too long. When he would try to get close, I would back off. He even kissed my neck in the museum we went to the other day. Right in the full view of the public! When I reacted cold, he got distant."

Amy looked at her friend stunned. "What. Is. The. Matter. With. You!" She was containing a shriek. "You are into him and he's trying to cross a ravine you are digging? Why in the hell are you backing off?"

Alex hung her head and shook it defeated. "He doesn't know me Amy. He sees the me he wants to see. I told him that I want us to be friends, get to know each other and I am making sure if this is what I really want. I wasted 19 years on a person who was just a convenience. I don't want to make any mistakes with Jo, ahem, Derek."

"You know how you feel. I can see it on your face when he texts you. You are scared. I hope he understands long enough to wait."

"I want to use excuses like I'm too old for him or I'm not his type, but that is my fear talking. But Amy, everytime I come close to trying, to saying something, I panic! Hell I'm still using honorifics!"

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