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"I don't know what happen before but you don't have to follow me around the house." Jungkook said gently as he caressed the side of Jimin's face with his warm hand.

Jimin looked down immediately. "Are you mad?" He asked with small voice while avoiding eye contact with the taller male that stood in front of him.

Jungkook only shook his head before bending down a little to on the same level as the omega. He brought his hand up but the omega flinched and move away making Jungkook raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hit you." Jungkook assured softly despite of the curiosity with his behaviour.

The alpha dropped his hand. "I'm not mad."

Upon hearing that, Jimin slowly peeking from under his lashes to look at the other male who is busy looking for something in the kitchen cabinet. He did not say anything until Jungkook took out a first aid kit from the top shelf and turned around to face the shorter male.

"Let's go patch up your bruise." Jungkook said while tapping his own forehead mirroring the exact area where Jimin got a wound at the corner of his forehead.

In the living room, Jimin can be found sitting on a couch with Jungkook sitting next to him. The alpha gently rubbed the cold gel on Jimin's wound while praying to god to not make Jimin cry at the moment.

He then sighed in relief once he put a patch over Jimin's wound and moved his gaze down to lock his eyes with the omega. None of them decided to break the silence as they were busy staring into each other's eyes.

It's difficult for Jungkook to look away from Jimin's mesmerising eyes. He feels like he just fall deeper for the omega. There's a strong feeling for him to protect Jimin and keep him away from any harms.

"Do you want a hug?" The alpha randomly asked making Jimin a little surprised at his question.

Then, Jimin felt his hands began to get itchy to touch the other male. He wanted to be engulfed in a warm hug with Jungkook's scent lingering around him.

He looked down, hesitated to approach the alpha as he picked his nails until they hurt. Jungkook observed the Jimin's reaction before he simply pulled the omega into his arms. His muscular arms wrapped around Jimin's small waist protectively right before Jimin began to creak up tear. He sniffed softly against Jungkook's buffed chest but not so long after, the omega cried.

Jungkook rubbed Jimin's back up and down to comfort the omega, he couldn't effort watching Jimin crying too much this week. It makes him felt ashamed on himself for not able to take care of the omega.

"Jimin." Jungkook frowned as he parted away slightly, enough to take a proper look at the omega.

"You're reek of alpha's pheromone." He added and sniffed Jimin's clothes once again in confirmation.

Jungkook got no idea why is he annoyed. He hates the fact Jimin carried someone else's scent with him.

"Do you mean I'm stink?" Jimin sounded unsure.

"No, not you." Jungkook shook his head. "But this motherfucking scent, who did you met before?" He raised his eyebrows at the omega in his arms who immediately averted his gaze away, looking everywhere but him.

Upon realising the irritation in his own voice, Jungkook sighed heavily before he brought a hand to run his fingers through his black hair. He shouldn't scare Jimin.

"You should go upstairs and take a shower, rinse off the scent properly while I order some food alright?" The alpha tried to maintain his tone as soft as possible which making Jimin cannot argue with him anymore.

Jimin looked doubtful as he broke the hug and stood from the couch. He didn't make eye contact with Jungkook more than necessary as he approached the staircase and leaving the other male alone in the living room.

In the next half an hour Jimin had scrubbed himself with Jungkook's shower gel so whenever the omega took a sniff of himself, it always remind him of the alpha. A shy smile took a place on his face before the realisation hit him. Jimin frantically shook his head and poke his cheek a couple of times, trying to make himself sane.

He picked a random oversized shirt that belongs to Jungkook along with a pair of shorts and put them on before heading downstairs. The omega heard shuffling sound came from the kitchen as he found Jungkook preparing food on a few plates.

"You're here." Jungkook spoke once he noticed Jimin's presence in the kitchen. "Let's eat."

"Mr Jeon why are you always be kind to me?" Jimin asked from the kitchen entrance which had caused Jungkook to stop his movements and look at Jimin.

However the other male simply shrugged his shoulders in response. "Eat first, talk later." He said.

With that Jimin sealed his mouth shut. They are sitting across each other and eating the noodle that Jungkook ordered for them in silence. Jungkook is in a bit happy mood seeing Jimin in his clothes and no longer reek of other alphas meanwhile Jimin would spaced out once in a while thinking of going back to Busan this week.

"I have a morning class tomorrow, I don't like it." Jimin unconsciously complained as he looked over his empty plate and Jungkook raised his eyebrows at him.

"For how long?" The alpha asked in concern.

"One hour." Jimin replied back.

Jungkook was thinking before a flashed a small smile to the shorter. "I can take you there since I have some business to discuss with some lecturers." He said but Jimin only raised his eyebrows at him in confusion.

"Why would you have business with them?" Jimin asked while squinting his crescent eyes at the alpha who just smiled without looking at him. "Adult thing."

He then stood from his seat and took Jimin's empty plate with him to wash them in the sink.

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