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"I heard the alumni is hot."

"Of course he better be, I don't wanna waste my time."

The conversation was loud enough to reach Jimin's ear as he minding his own business. The same topic were being talked about by another group of students as well and Jimin could not help but wonder how do they know about the way the alumni that will give a speech looked like?

It seems like the news spread just like a lightning.

The pitter patter sound that came from the students in the hall died once a couple of professors stepped in. They were escorting something who wears a fancy black suit with a vest that hugging his perfect sculpted chest like a second skin. Hushed whispers can be heard from students who were sitting at the back, probably enjoying the sight.

Soon, a lecturer began the speech by greetings and thanking the students for being punctual. He talked for less than fifteen minutes before he stepped down from the stage. A yawn escaped from Jimin's mouth, he should have skipped today and sleep at home instead.

As he was busy checking the time on his phone. Someone just switched on the mic once again as Jimin automatically raised his head up, not wanting any of his lecturer caught him playing his phone or else he will leave a bad impression towards them.

"Hello and good evening everyone, as Mr Lim had informed, I'm Jeon Jungkook, alumni of Seoul University." The male introduced himself.

The familiar voice echoed his eardrums soothingly and this had caused Jimin to swallow audibly. He got no idea, instead of the other two hundreds seats in the hall, the omega decided to take the one in the middle.

Jimin wanted to hide especially when Jungkook was already looking at him with a smile. The omega could tell it's not a simple smile but it's more likely a smirk.

During the half an hour of speech, Jimin already lose count how many times they had eye contact. He wanted to leave the hall, maybe by disappearing to toilet but then everyone would spare him a glance, which he really hate. That kind of attention only makes him uncomfortable.

"I won't get bored listening to his voice, why don't he become our lecturer instead?" Jimin heard someone spoke with such a dreamy tone laced in their voice.

In the other hand, Jimin did not agree. First he claimed the male as his boyfriend at a random club. Second, Jungkook turned out to be his senior. Third, students want him to be lecturer? No way, Jimin had gone through a lot.

Seems like Jimin already spaced out for eternity and the sound of audience clapping hands had brought him back to reality. He also copied the others, now he realised that the speech already ended. His eyes caught a glimpse of Jungkook placing the mic down before their eyes met.

Jimin felt his breath hitched as he frantically moved his gaze to look somewhere else. The poor omega was beyond nervous to the point that he could feel his own heart beat in his throat, making him shift uncomfortably on his seat. For the last time, he peeked from under his lashes to look at the tall male shaking hands with the rest of the professors, seems like he was about to leave.

"Oh, great." He muttered under his breath.


A silent wail escape from Jimin as he scrunched down right in front of the toilet. His body doesn't feel good to the point that his stomach forcing everything that he ate as lunch earlier into the toilet bowl.

He slumped his aching body against the locked toilet cabin with a heavy sigh. He could even feel his body temperature raised slowly as he wiped the corner of his mouth with some clean tissues.

The omega unlocked the cabin and heading straight to the sink, glaring at his own reflection in the mirror.

His hair were pointing to every possible direction and his shirt also got wrinkled. Jimin hates his appearance at the moment as he sighed loudly. He turned on the tap, collecting some water into his palms before he splashing the cold water to his face a couple of times. The omega repeated the action but it doesn't help his fatigue at all.

He turned off the tap and wiped his face with another clean tissues. He took a quick glance in the mirror to comb his hair by running his fingers through his hair.

Once he was satisfied enough with his look, Jimin stepped out of the restroom. He planned to leave campus right away without stopping by the library today.

His breath was heavy plus Jimin can feel his face heating up. He walked faster to the exit door. In case he will faint, he doesn't want to faint in the middle of hallway.

"It hurts." Jimin muttered.

He immediately scrunched down once his sight suddenly turned white. His breathing had been irregular while he brought his hand up to brush off his cold sweat.

He chocked up tears without his consent. The omega began to breathe through his mouth despite of having his throat as dry as desert. Only if he could get a huge chug of water at the moment was enough to help.

"Park Jimin ssi?"

The omega only buried his face in between his knees deeper, exhaling a harsh breath out of his mouth in pure frustration. He did not expecting anyone to notice him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The same soothing voice asked.

"Everything is wrong!" Jimin snapped before he continued to sob out loud, ignoring the presence of the other male stood awkwardly a few steps away from him.

Due to the sudden outburst, Jungkook only knitted his neat eyebrows together. He approached the omega rather slowly and also scrunching down next to him.

Without a word, he brought his hand and put the back of his palm flat on Jimin's forehead. His frown is getting worse as he retreat his hand, eyes not leaving Jimin.

"Jimin ah, you got fever." He stated.

The omega did not say anything, only sighing as he slumped his face back between his knees. He got no energy to stand up. He also noticed Jungkook did not say anything either, probably giving him time to calm down or else the omega might snapped once again.

"Mr Jeon I'm tired, you can go first." Jimin muttered.

He was expecting the other male to leave right away but he did not hear any movement come from his sight so Jungkook must be stubborn. It took a couple of minutes for Jimin to peek over his side and immediately locked his eyes with the older male.

"No way I would leave you alone with that condition." Jungkook argued as he shook his head.

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