23 [the end]

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The hall was decorated every so beautifully. Everyone might has their jaw dropped to the floor upon seeing the interior of the hall where Jungkook is holding his wedding with the love of his life. He is indeed excited instead of nervous. He can't wait to see Jimin walking down the isle looking effortlessly ethereal.

Hell— he will probably drop to his knees once his eyes landed on Jimin later on.

His facial expression remained calm but he's mentally dancing in his mind. No, he can't afford his image ruined especially when he already stood next to the priest in the middle of public eyes. Act cool Jeon.

Not taking longer than five minutes, the music came from a piano can be heard playing a melodious song. It's mentioning that the bride is coming which caused Jungkook to grow even more eager.

His knees became weak once seeing the drop dead gorgeous Jimin in all white walking towards him with a huge shy smile and making the alpha smiled too. The murmurs around the hall was getting a bit louder when they cooed at the couple lost in each other's eyes.

"Jeon Jungkook." The priest called making Jungkook turned his attention from Jimin. "Yes, I am."

Jimin stood still beside Jungkook who will hold his hands to assure everything will be okay. They are going to be each other's half and Jimin is dead nervous about it.

The attention given was overwhelming, maybe it's more than a hundred people in this hall watching them to get married— oh, there are a few reporters too.

Sometimes Jimin forgot that Jungkook is well known.

The moment that Jungkook has been waiting has finally come. They are supposed to kiss and Jungkook can claim those pillow lips in front of everyone, warning them that Jimin only belongs to him and no one else.

"Jungkook wait—" The omega didn't get to stop his husband as Jungkook simply captured his lips, making the hall roared to cheer the newly weds.

The moment Jungkook finally let his husband go, Jimin found his tinted lips slowly getting swollen and some of his lipstick smudge on Jungkook's lip. The omega blushed furiously especially when his husband wiped the remaining lipstick on his own lips while smirking down at Jimin. Enough to melt the poor omega into mush.

"You blushed beautifully, my dear." Jungkook whispered to Jimin's right ear before backing away a little.

The ring sat perfectly on Jimin's finger which making Jungkook felt all giddy inside. Jimin is officially his.

His to love, to protect and to cherish.

"My Jimin." Jungkook muttered lovingly. "Jeon Jimin."

The omega smiled shyly one more time before Jungkook unexpectedly rising their hands in the air, showing off their sparkling wedding rings to the crowd who cheered for them non stop. Jimin almost die in embarrassment but Jungkook liked it way too much.

He loves exposing Jimin.

"Should we greet the guest now?" Jimin softly asked while looking around the hall with curious eyes.

His make up is too damn perfect and Jungkook almost lose his sanity over there. He could stare at the sparkling eye makeup of his husband all day without complain.

"If that's what my baby wants, let's go!"

Jungkook is the one in charge talking to the guess since Jimin would prefer hiding behind his husband. He's not fancy talking to people, such an introvert behaviour.

As Jungkook greeted one of his business partners, Jimin found his eyes fixed on a guy who kept on playing the piano. His fingers danced on the black and white keys elegantly— but what makes him interested to look at the guy is when his eyes landed on Taehyung stood just a few feet away from the white piano while looking at the same guy as well with adoration in his eyes.

He then unconsciously looking over at his husband who is shaking his hand with the guess as a goodbye before Jungkook payed attention on Jimin again.

"What's wrong, love?"

"That's Taehyungie right?" Jimin wanted to confirm.

Jungkook also turned his head to look over the direction Jimin is looking at before he found himself hummed and nodded his head. "Want to greet him?"

It took Jimin a while to agree. He doesn't want to miss the chance to say hi to the other omega. Taehyung is fun to talk to and of course Jimin wanted to keep in touch.

"Taehyungie." Jimin waved to the other omega and bringing him back to earth. "Oh— hi Jimin!"

"Did you just staring at your own husband?" Jungkook interrupted the omegas while lifting his eyebrows at Taehyung who only rolled his eyes at the alpha.

"As if you never did that."

"Your husband is a pianist?" Jimin genuinely curious but Taehyung shook his head with a smile.

"Not really— he's Min Yoongi, a music producer slash Jungkook's right hand man but your husband decided to steal my man and make him play the piano."

Jimin then burst into a fit of laughter.

It's entertaining to see Taehyung throwing a glare to his husband every once in a while same goes to Jungkook.

"Well, congratulations you two." Taehyung added after a while only to make Jimin smiled at him.

"Where are you guys going for honeymoon?"

"Jeon Jungkook, I love it here!" Jimin expended his arms in the air as the cold breeze from the beach brushing against his exposed skin repeatedly.

His husband chuckled. "I'm glad you do." Then, Jungkook adjusted the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose slightly, never once dropping the smile as he watched Jimin being all giggly in front of him.

"This is the best place to spend our honeymoon."
Jimin raising his thumbs up to his husband.

"The best place to make cute babies too." Jungkook said to himself making the omega raised his eyebrows, not catching up what his husband said just now.

"What?" Somehow Jimin would like Jungkook to repeat his words again. "Nothing, let's grab a drink yeah?"

The end ?

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