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The poor omega is sleeping due to the tiring day that he got. He got no idea why would he felt so drained even though he just attend a morning class in the first place.

As the omega was dreaming about all rainbows and butterflies, a sudden phone call had interrupted his bubble and caused Jimin to groan in annoyance. A frown immediately took over his face once he glanced over the phone screen before he tapped on the green button and place the phone close to his ear to answer the call.

"Hello eomma, why are you calling so sudden?" The omega found himself asking to get rid of his curiosity.

"Ah Jiminie there's something important that I need to tell you, are you busy by the way?" Jimin audibly swallowed at the way his mother use that tone on him.

She's indeed got a important thing to tell him at the moment and he couldn't wait any longer either.

"No, I'm not." Jimin tried to maintain his tone so that he won't sound too eager. "What do you want to tell me?"

"I don't know where to start but— uh, you got a proposal— no I mean a marriage proposal." The omega felt like oxygen has been knocked out of his lungs in instant.

He tried to take a couple of deep breath but his racing heart did not cooperate. The tip of his fingers also already turned cold at the overwhelming nervous that washed over him in a second. His mother did not say anything after that, probably waiting for his reply.

"W-Who is it?" Jimin clenched his phone tighter.

"Minseo's son." Areum muttered from the other side.

Once he processed what the older woman just said, he gasped out loud and changed his position to sit properly on the bed. His eyes are wide open, sleep is already long forgotten by the omega. He tried to swallow his own saliva but his mouth turned dry without warning, making it's hard for him to clear his throat to speak.

"When did this happen?" Jimin finally got the courage to ask his mother who became mute for a few moment.

"A week ago, after you return to Seoul."

Jungkook had send his proposal to his family instead of ask him personally. This had caused Jimin to rub the back of his neck, not understanding what has gotten into him.

"And you just decided to tell me now?"

A moment later, Jimin found himself in front of Jeon Jungkook's penthouse as he rang the doorbell twice. He played with his fingers to reduce his anxious but the alpha is taking too long to open the door. He wanted to make sure that Jungkook really send the proposal or he afraid their mothers set them up for their own good.

"Who— oh?" A deep voice rang Jimin's eardrums.

"You should inform me before coming." Jungkook said while stepping aside to give enough room for Jimin to enter his house who did not spare him a glance.

Once Jimin heard door closed, he turned around to face the taller male who was already looking at him with a pair of raised eyebrows. Jimin took a deep breath, he got a lot to say but he didn't know where to start.

"Did you really send marriage proposal to my family?" The omega finally asked while Jungkook only look at him with raised eyebrows. "Yes, I do." He simply replied.

By judging from his look, Jimin was genuinely surprised. He thought that their mothers setting them up without none of them knowing. A long sigh escaped from the omega as he averted his gaze to look at everywhere but the taller male that stood in front of him.

"I don't know what has gotten into you." Jimin said with a frown. "Among all of people, why me?" He asked.

"Is there any problem with that Park Jimin?" Jungkook then crossed his muscular arms over his buffed chest without looking away from the omega.

"I don't want to marry you!" Jimin snapped as he look pissed by each passing second making the other male tilted his head aside in pure confusion.

Jungkook scoffed in disbelief. He was pretty sure that everything he done for the omega is something beyond a friend would do for each other he couldn't believe that Jimin did not get the hint. With his tongue poking inside his inner cheek, Jungkook looked over the floor for a couple of seconds before lifting his gaze again.

"Mr Jeon listen, I don't deserve someone like you! Look at yourself! You're handsome and financially stable so I'm pretty sure there're a lot of people who will suit to be your partner instead of me!" Jimin explained.

"But I love you Jimin, I really do." Jungkook confessed without hesitation while staring deep into Jimin's pretty eyes. "I want to protect you, keeping you safe in my arms and I cannot let anyone do that to you instead of me."

The alpha sounded determine and Jimin already lost his words. He couldn't believe what he just heard coming from Jungkook's mouth a second ago.

"But don't you think it's too soon?" Jimin asked in small voice, now looking over the floor while fiddling with his fingers to ease his anxiety. "It's about marriage."

Jungkook did not waste his time to scrunch over the floor in front of Jimin and took Jimin's small hands into his larger one. He also tilted his head up to look at the omega who seemed a bit taken a back of his action.

"I send the proposal because I don't want anyone else thinking that they got a chance to be with you." Jungkook confessed and Jimin playfully rolled his eyes at the alpha. "But it's okay, I won't rush you." He added.

"Still! You didn't ask me in the first place and suddenly send a proposal to my family! Do you think I will forgive you for that?!" Jimin scolded the other male.

"Alright it's my fault but you still need to give me answer, next morning you will return to Busan right?"

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