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"Do you want to visit your mother?"

Jimin nodded his head as he chewed the chips, eyes focusing on the television screen. Sleeping beauty is being played at the moment— obviously Jimin's request and Jungkook is no one to stop him.

"I planned to buy tickets after class tomorrow."

"Why don't you take a ride with me?" Jungkook pouted his lips as he secured his arms around Jimin tighter a bit.

"You want me to go to Busan with you?" The alpha frantically nodded his head. "You always return to Busan with me so why riding a bus this time? It's a big no." Jungkook reasoned and Jimin finally giving in.

According to plan, they ride the same car to Busan. They would exchange a couple of conversation before Jimin dozing off in the midway, giving Jungkook a chance to took a couple of his sleeping pictures with an evil smile plastered on his smile. Jimin is cute even in his sleep and Jungkook need a new wallpaper for his phone.

It's a big win for him.

A familiar neighbourhood can be seen as Jungkook finally reached Jimin's house— or more specifically, his parents' house. He took off his seatbelt before turning to look at the sleeping omega next to him.

"He's indeed beautiful." Jungkook told himself before a sigh slipped from his mouth. No matter how much he loves to stare at the sleeping omega, Jimin could sleep in his bedroom since they already reached his house.

"Baby chick." Jungkook called as he gently patted Jimin on his arm to not startled the poor omega.

No response.

"Hey, baby chick." He tried to call again but this time his hand travelled to cup Jimin's face and caressing his rosey cheek using his thumbs. "We're here."

Luckily Jimin finally stirred from his sleep. His crescent eyes caught a glimpse of Jungkook leaning close to him before his lips stretched to form a sheepish smile, sleepiness still haven't letting him go.

"Jungkookie." He rasped out.

"Yes, love."

Jimin felt something funny inside him once the nickname echoed his eardrums, making him cannot stop smiling.

With that, Jungkook didn't waste his time to get out of the car and rushing to the another side to open the passenger door for Jimin. He guided the drowsy omega out of the car carefully until his eyes landed on a figure stood by the doorframe of the house. "Oh, you guys are here!"

"Yes, Mr Park." Jungkook bowed politely.

"Hi appa." Jimin said while passing by his father and walk straight to his bedroom, cannot wait to land his back on his comfy bed and drift to sleep once again.

The two alphas watching Jimin disappearing behind the wall without saying anything. Jungkook looked at the clothes bag in his hold before looking at older male who is already looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Is that Jimin's clothes bag?" Mr Park asked and Jungkook immediately nodded his head.

"Give me that then, you're so kind for sending Jiminie home. Thank you very much." He added while extending his arm to take the bag from the younger alpha.

"Don't mention that Mr Park, he's my responsibility." Jungkook waved it off. "If you said so, you're always welcome here if you want to have dinner together with us and one more thing, you're going to marry my child so you may call me appa too Jungkook ah."

It somehow makes Jungkook feels giddy.

Time passed and it's already five in the evening. Jimin already awake a few hours back then due to hunger, luckily his mother prepared some food in the kitchen before she went to dentist with Mr Park.

"There's no interesting show at all." The omega complained while switching the channels.

"—and the bankruptcy had put Lee Taemin into so much trouble. Recently his wife, Lee Jihyo can be found in the court to meet her lawyer for her divorce case —"

Jimin found his eyes widen two times bigger before he stood from the couch unconsciously. It's a big disaster.

"J-Jungkook." The name slipped from his mouth.

It must be something and he could feel it. Jimin then rushed to front door before running to a house a few blocks from his parents' house— not after locking the doors of course. He cannot afford being scold by his mother if she return and found the doors aren't locked.

"Oh, love?" A voice greeted him once he reached the yard which is full of plants which is mostly flowers.

"I saw the news just now! It's about Taemin!" Jimin said while frowning. "It's all your plan am I right?"

The alpha hooked his eyebrows, slowly standing up and abandoning the cat that he used to pat without breaking his eye contact with Jimin. He purposely leaving the other male hanging for a couple of seconds before he took a deep breath, Jimin is indeed eager right now.

"What do you mean, love?" Jungkook frowned.

Jimin is going insane, not knowing if Jungkook only playing dumb or he definitely don't have any idea about the thing that he's talking about. "Taemin got arrested."

He noticed the alpha blinked his eyes twice before tilting his head aside a bit. "Really? Good for him."

"Jungkook!" Jimin scolded in disbelief.

"What? That mother fucker deserve it because he did it in the first place so it suits him." Jungkook exclaimed.

"Are you behind all of this?" The omega asked again.

"I'm not a police, why should I do their job? I do throw a couple of punch at him but I'm not the one who wanted to shove him into the jail." The explanation from Jungkook was enough to calm the omega down a little.

Hearing that was enough to kill all the negative thoughts in his head. Now he could breathe like normal again.

"Well— since you're here and you seem a lot calmer now, what if I take you strolling around the Busan hm?"

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