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"I made you some porridge, I hope it won't taste bad." The voice uttered from the doorframe.

Jungkook can be seen busy stirring the hot steamed porridge while approaching the bed. He is wearing a comfy attire which is a pair of sweatpants and a black oversized shirt. Jimin must agree that he looked much younger without his formal suits and styled hair.

"Have a bite." Jungkook said as he brought a spoonful of porridge close to Jimin's mouth.

The omega was caught off guard by his action. He frantically blinked his eyes, wanted to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. Jimin was hesitation before he slowly moved his gaze to look at the other male who was already looking at him with a pair of raised eyebrows, somehow encouraging him to take a bite from the spoon.

"How was it?" Jungkook asked as he watched Jimin chewing the porridge slowly.

Once the food settled inside his mouth, Jimin almost moaned out in satisfaction. The savoury taste of the food managed to satisfy his tastebud which makes Jimin to feel his stomach warm. "It's so good." Jimin smiled.

"Do you want more?" The omega immediately nodded his head, excited he fiddled his fingers as he watched Jungkook stirring the porridge.

He then bring the spoon closer to Jimin's mouth, feeding the omega a couple of more times before Jimin finally shook his head. There's half bowl of porridge left but Jimin couldn't make him swallow any of it anymore.

"I'm full, thank you." Jimin politely reject when Jungkook stubbornly telling him to eat more.


"Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up." Jungkook apologised as he accidentally closed the door a bit loud.

He got a few fresh clothes in his hold, probably he wanted to lend them to Jimin just in case he wants to change later. Speak of the male, Jimin rubbed his sleeping eyes lazily before a killing headache attacked him.

The omega turned his body to the side before groaning into the pillow. He effortlessly managed to make Jungkook grew concern about him as the alpha took a seat at the corner of the bed, hand reaching out to pat Jimin on his head rather softly as if he tried to assure the omega.

Jimin then rolled to the side, letting his body fall and bounced on the mattress. The duvet that was covering his body had provided him warmth and the omega found himself snuggle into the sheets to make himself comfy.

"Your room smell so nice." Jimin mumbled loud enough for Jungkook to catch what he was saying.

"I will take that as a compliment." Jungkook smiled.

The truth is he never put any fragrance in the room to make it smells good but Jungkook only sealed his mouth shut. Probably the scent came from the sheets or maybe the smell came from him. "Looked like you're in a good mood unlike earlier, what's up?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh, thanks to your handmade porridge!"

Jungkook felt the corner of his lips twitched upward. Jimin was smiling sheepishly despite of having a pair of flushed red cheeks but they make him looked adorable especially as he cuddled to the thick blanket.

"Full tummy will boost your mood huh?" Jimin simply agreed with the other male and if he wasn't shy at the moment, maybe he will ask for another bowl.

"It is, I remembered of the old days as well." Jimin didn't dropped his smile. "When I was at my hometown, I often order for food delivery to send porridge to my home if I got sick." The omega continued with his story.

"Why don't you ask your mom to make one for you?" Jungkook found himself asking.

He doesn't know what has gotten into him but he wanted to learn more about Jimin. Sharing a conversation with the omega had him amused, not wanting to see Jimin dropping his precious smile that he wore since earlier.

"Oh, she's already busy with her housework." Jimin muttered, his facial expression also changed a little.

"I don't want to bother so that's why I order instead." He added, now flashing the same smile again to Jungkook.

"Do you want me to make another bowl for you?" The alpha asked out of sudden, seems like he was ready to run downstairs straight to the kitchen to make some porridge for Jimin if the omega nodded his head as the answer.

The omega playfully rolled his eyes before he shook his head in denied. "I'm still full, save it for later." He said.

"Speaking of hometown, where are you from?"
Jungkook asked to get rid of his curiosity.

"Busan." Jimin noticed the other male raised his eyebrows in interest. "And you?" The omega asked.

"Wow, me too! What a small world." Jungkook exclaimed with a smile. "Just great, now I afraid if we turned out to be neighbours back in Busan." Jimin playfully said.

He then stretched his back while scanning his surroundings, finally he realised that he got too comfortable at the other person's place and even slept soundly as he stayed over. However, Jimin couldn't blame himself fully since he got fever at the moment.

He should cut himself some slack.

"What time is it? I want to go home." Jimin asked as he still scanning the room until his eyes landed on a digital clock that hanging on the dark painted wall.

"You can stay over, this is a guest room by the way."

Jimin snapped his head to look at the other with an unreadable expression was written on his face.

"What do you mean guest room? I thought this is the main one! This room is as big as my whole apartment!"

"Well, I need to make sure that my guest feels comfortable during their visit." Jungkook only shrugged his broad shoulders at his own response.

"Oh, you have someone coming over often?" Jimin arched his eyebrows as Jungkook copied his action.

"Not really, you're my first." The alpha stated.


Jimin frantically moved his gaze everywhere but Jungkook in order to suppress his smile. He almost blushed for no reason and the omega was glad that he could prevent himself from getting embarrassed.

"But b-back to the topic! I want to go home!"

"You should stay, your fever hasn't got any better." Jungkook completely did not agree with the shorter male.

"My holiday starts tomorrow and I want to go back to hometown, I haven't buy my ticket yet so—

"What a coincidence, I want to go back to Busan too." Jungkook cut him off. "You can have a trip with me." He suggested but Jimin only looked at him with a fallen jaw.

"Why should I go back with you?! No! My mother will suspect you as my boyfriend!" Jimin disagreed.

"Am I your boyfriend?" Jungkook smirked teasingly.

"You won't afraid if you did nothing wrong." He added.

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