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"You can drop me here!" Jimin deadpanned before stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest.

"Come on Jimin ah, it's not like I'm gonna put a bomb at your house!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"How can I trust you?!" The omega debated.

"You even sleep soundly at my house, I didn't cause you any harm right?" Jungkook raised his arms to surrender.

Jimin unconsciously pouted his soft lips. The argument won't change Jimin's final decision to walk from the sidewalk to his parents' home. He wanted to argue more but Jimin did not have any idea to speak off.

"Mr Jeon ssi." Jimin called ever so softly with a pout.

"You really don't have to send me until right in front of my parent's house because let's say I have a very very strict parents and if they caught me hanging out with an alpha, they will smack my bum and grounded me for the whole week." He added while battling his lashes.

Jungkook fell silent. He blinked his eyes a couple of times, somehow still thinking about the aegyo that Jimin tried on him earlier. It took a few moment for Jungkook to open his mouth but nothing came out which caused him to clench his jaw, trying to find a right sentence.

"So you want to walk from here?"

With that, Jimin eagerly nodded his head. His cheeks were puffed out as he formed a straight smile.

"No need to worry! I don't bring luggage with me— look! I only bring a backpack! A small one!" Jimin showed his plain cream backpack to the alpha happily.

He patiently waited until Jungkook gave in. Finally unlocking the door for the omega to get out as Jimin flashed him a wide smile. He gets out of the car rather quickly, afraid if Jungkook might change his mind any moment and locked the door again.

"Jiminie." Jimin stood still, immediately cancelling his plan to run right after he stepped out of the car.

Jungkook pulled down his shades that he kept on top of his head as he put his elbow on the wide open window. The sight alone was enough to scream dominant.

"I really don't have to send you home? Even escort you from the far? What if something happen to you?" Jungkook shut him with a few questions.

"Uh— Mr Jeon! Look! Iron man!" Jimin widen his eyes as he pointed to the opposite direction, successfully making the alpha turning his head to look away from him.

Jimin took the chance to run. He speed up as fast as he could without turning his head to the back.

"Goodbye Mr Jeon!" Jimin said before he took a turn at the corner of the street and disappeared completely.

"He fooled me easily, am I really dumb?" Jungkook asked himself while his eyes still glued to the last corner that Jimin took just now. "Cute." He whispered.


"Jimin ah, wake up!"

The omega frowned sleepily. As far as he remembered, his alarm didn't sound like that. He was about to slide it off and pulled the blanket to cover his head but someone already tugged it from the edge of his bed. The only thing he realised was the blanket was being pulled away from him, exposing his body to the chill air in the morning.

With no energy, Jimin only whined and slammed his face into the pillow to block the sunlight. He doesn't want to wake up to a blinding light that came out straight from his window that he remember closed last night.

"Eomma, I'm sleepy." Jimin mumbled half asleep.

"You have another seven days to sleep, now you need to wake up! Let's go to the market shall we?"

Upon hearing that, Jimin could feel his ears perked up in pure interest. He then slowly peeking from his pillow to look at the woman which is no other than his mother with only half lidded of his eyes open.

"Market?" Jimin noticed his mother nodded.

Jimin hummed. "Can I get boba drink?" The omega could hear his own muffled voice against the pillow.

"Get ready first!" His mother said before leaving him alone, giving Jimin enough time to get ready.


Happily, Jimin chewed the boba from his plastic cup as he patted a stray cat that he found at the back of his house. He was doing laundry and the cat kept on meowing towards his direction. The omega didn't think twice before he offered the cat with the leftover chicken from the previous day as he got no proper cat food at home.

Then, he heard shuffling sound in the kitchen before a laughter can be heard from the living room. Jimin stood from his scrunching position, no longer bother the cat.

"Eomma must have a guest over." He thought.

The omega shrugged his shoulders. He does not surprised, unlike him, his mother loves to make friends.

When nothings left in his plastic cup, Jimin threw it away into a dustbin and wash his hands. He peeked over the stove only to notice that the metal steamer was opened. His eyebrows raised in pure confusion as he approached the steamer only to notice half of his cooked dumplings were already gone. Jimin only rolled his eyes, probably his mother took some to offer to the guest.

"Auntie Minseo!" Jimin greeted once he recognised the older female in her early forties sitting on a couch.

"Jiminie, long time not seeing you!" The female flashed him a wide smile. "Aigoo, you're pretty!" She added.

"Auntie, don't mirror talk." Jimin said before he giggled.

Minseo couldn't stop herself from bringing her hand to pinch Jimin's soft cheek. The male only laughed in embarrassment before he noticed that his mother wasn't there. She must have gone to the kitchen.

"I heard you make this dumplings Jiminie." Minseo said as she managed to grab Jimin's attention who was busy scanning their surroundings to look for his mother.

"Oh, y-yes— does it taste bad?" Jimin was genuinely curious since he remembered singing and dancing while making the dumplings the other day so he afraid that they might turned out not as he expected.

Not to mention he doesn't even get to have a bite yet.

"No Jiminie, they're so good!" Minseo frantically waved her hand in front of her. "I'm asking you because I want to take some home, you know as snacking." She added.

"Of course you can, Jimin got a stock for a month in our fridge!" A voice belongs to Jimin's mother interrupted.

Hearing the compliment, Jimin couldn't help but to feel his face heating up. It's good to hear someone talk good about himself once in a while, especially from Minseo.

She only speak the truth.

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