Part 6

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As soon as the man who took Aye to the hospital went, I tried contacting Aye's mother, but she was not picking up. I asked the doctor when Aye can be discharged, and he said he needs complete rest for a day.

I entered the room, he was sleeping so calmly. How could such an attitude person sleep so childishly? He looked so cute.

Wat called me. Ring Ring...... My phone was in vibrating mode.

"Hello Akk, where are you?"

"I am in hospital", I said.

"What happened to you?"

"No, I am fine. A friend was admitted to the hospital"

Friend? Why did I say so, I could have said Aye right?

"Friend?", he stressed the word again.


"can we come over there?", he asked.

"No, no I can manage."

"Okay then. Take care. Come to the dorm as early as possible", he said and cut the call.

I was waiting outside for a few minutes and him inside the room taking drips. Aye's phone rang. It was his mother.

"Hello Ayan", the woman on the other end sounded terrified.

"Hello, Mam. This is Akk, Ayan's classmate"


"yes mam"

"What happened to Ayan? Where is he?"

"Mam, just don't panic. Ayan fainted on the road due to a panic attack and he is being taken to Appolus hospital. I am being with him. And he is doing fine. The doctor said. And he can be discharged in the morning."

"Oh no", she started to cry on the other end.

"Mam he is doing fine. No need to worry. You can come to the hospital"

"Akk, I am out of town right now. I will start right now, but I will reach by only tomorrow morning."

"Oh....Then are there any of your relatives of yours here?"

"No...all of them are settled in the US and since we moved here a few days before, I knew none here"


"Akk, can you stay with Ayan till I come home tomorrow?"

"Hmmm", I thought for a while. And I knew I had no other plans tomorrow since it is Sunday, so I agreed to her request. "Sure mam, I can take care of him"

"Thank you so much Akk"

"It's all right mam."

I went inside the room to see if he is all right. He was sleeping tight, but there was panic on his face. What happened to him? The one thing I am curious about right now is, what made him, him?

Sitting outside the room made me so lonely, so I chose to sit inside the room. "Dika, don't go. Please don't leave me", he was murmuring something.

"Dika.... Dika", the name he was blabbering continuously and was never stopping. Maybe he is having a nightmare I guess. I thought of waking him up.

"Ayan, it's nothing wake up. Wake up.", I said consoling him. Am I going too much? Does he really need help from me? I don't know, but my heart wants to help him but my brain does not want to help him.

Light of my moon(Akk X Ayan)| The EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now