Part 11

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I must not deny that I hate him, but I cannot confess that I love him or I can love him. I like him, but I am not sure if I can love him as shown in the movies.

I went to the football ground to see him during lunch, coming up with some excuses for my friends.

He was standing there with his phone in his hand. I came there to reject him. "Ayan", I called out his name.

"Have you decided?", he asked me.

"I...I think", I dragged. Still, my mind is oscillating between yes and no.

"We can date....under a few conditions", I said to him.

He smiled, more precisely he beamed, and in the beam of a smile, he glowed.

"Sure, what are those?"

"No one must know about me and you dating, no one....including my friends, your friends, and any of your relatives and mine"

"That's it?"

"No, You don't have to treat me like a girl, and I guess I won't treat you like a girl."


"Our dating should not interfere with studies. I don't want any of our grades to slip"


"Our meeting spot should not be anywhere closer to school premises"


"It is just dating, when we don't feel good about it, we should break up amicably", I said.

"You know what, we don't need to date. I don't want to be in such a sort of relationship.", he said. I got a fear of losing him.

"Hey.....Then just define your rules."

"Okay, then I modify your rules, I go with your first rule, no one should know about our relationship, but if they found out, own the responsibility to explain our relationship. And next, No one needs to treat each other like a girl just we have to care, the care doesn't have any gender. And sure, I won't let our dating bother our education, and last, I want to talk to you at school, even if it is not outside anywhere near the school, just eat lunch with me or at least meet me at lunch."

I am fine with his rules, he just remodified some but they were not the worst. "Finally, no touching without consent. And any rules can be added or removed"

"Seriously, touching. Does it even include just touching you?"

"Hmm yeah"

"What about kissing?"

"I will let you know if I am ready for that stage. And you stole my first kiss, by kissing me yesterday."

"I am sorry, I don't know you are a person who is sensitive to other people's touch"

"And then, know about me well, I am short-tempered, moody, cranky. Make yourself available after school. Because I want that time to chat with you online/ offline.", I said.

"I guess, you watch a lot of soap dramas, that's why you put a lot of conditions and that too more rules than our school rules.", he said smilingly.

"Okay Aye, I gotta go, my friends will be waiting for me", I said to him and left the place.

"I will miss you", he said.

I am blushing. He made me blush after the minute we started dating. Maybe love is not as difficult as I think.

"Hmm ok. See you in class", I said and left the place.

I beamed full of happiness. I rushed into the washroom to see my face, it was glowing red. I seemed so happy and I am falling for him.

I wiped my face so that the redness would go away. "Please, I beg you. Stop it", I heard a sound.

I peeked to see Juan, a Junior year high school student pleading to someone in the washroom, while they are beating him.

"What is happening there?", I should my authority in saving that poor little kid from the bullies.

"Brother Akk, please save me", Juan pleaded on seeing me.

I saw Xiao and his gang, the richest kid in the school. He has the privilege over all other things in school, from school property to School staff and everything.

"What are you guys doing to him?", I asked him.

He didn't reply. One of his friends replied, "We didn't do anything to him. Juan was it us?", he asked the poor boy with a terrifying eye.

"No...They didn't do anything.", he said.

I rushed to make him stand. "You are bleeding. Just say, action will be taken against them if they find them guilty"

"No, Bro, they didn't do anything. I slipped in the bathroom"

I made a cold glare at Xiao and went out of the bathroom, holding him in my arms and taking him to first aid.

After his wounds have been healed, I left the nursing room and he was sleeping.

Xiao and I have a long story. And let me say our exact situation Once there lived a female cow, which gave a good amount of milk to the village, and there lived a Bull. Which was not that much use to the people, but the people always chose the bull for all major events.

Similarly, to that, the school president's post was actually to be given to him. His father had a lot of connections, but students of the school went against him in voting for me to make me the school president.

So, we have had a great rivalry, for years and years. "Juan are you, all right? If it is then just report it to the school and they will take the action", I further made him open his mouth. But in vain he never wants to complain it seems.

I was on my way to join Wat, Kahn, and Thua for lunch. I have seen many movies where during the time of dating, the male lead would buy a lot of snacks and sorts of things for his lover.

So back of my mind wanted to make something good for him. After all, he made me confess my feeling for him. Only a few people have such hunches.

So, I bought an energy bar and put those in my pocket, so no one will find them. "Akk, here...", Wat called me spotting me walking alone in the food court.

I sat with them and had the food that I had taken from the counter, and went to the class. This next hour is going to be the first hour I am sitting with Ayan, not as a friend and more than a friend.

I want to pass this energy bar that I have bought for him to him. I need to pass them without people around us noticing.

I took a book and placed them inside the book and closed them and pushed it aside to his side.

He opened them without anyone noticing. I hope no one notices us. He smiled with his cute dimple smile, on seeing what I have done.

I have never been like this. But see here I am loving (sorry, taking care of) my boyfriend.

Thank you, guys, for reading. Hope you all love the story. Please support the story by voting and commenting. And let me know the flow of the story by commenting. Love you all guys.

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