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I sat in the front row at my father's wedding . Jade looked beautiful in her white dress . If only she was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside . I can't believe my dad's in love with her .But that's how it is . He's head over heels for her . He was ready to comply with any condition she had as long she agreed to marry him . Her only condition was sending me to a boarding school . She even picked one out for me -surprise surprise- and it's on the other side of the damn planet !

I bit back my tears . it's my dad's wedding , i won't allow myself to ruin it for him. He deserves to be happy .

After they exchanged wedding vows and the priest declared them man and wife we went inside for the after-party since The ceremony was held in the back-yard.

This was the last time i'd get to see this house again , this is the last time i'll be home ever again .

I went to the kitchen and had a glass of water . My throat hurt and i had to sing in half an hour . I was nervous because this is the first time i will ever perform in front of an audience . I've never had any training and despite getting compliments from my dad , Ramallo and Olga i wasn't entirely sure that my voice was good enough . But my dad insisted , even Jade showed some interest .

But again , this is my dad's wedding and i will not ruin it ! so i just have to suck it up and sing and be good .

I decided to go to my room and rehearse , i had my song memorized , i could even sing it backwards . It was called "The Lover In Me ."

"Can i come in ?" Olga's voice asked from outside my door interrupting me mid-song .

"Of course you can Olga."

she came in smiling in her bright orange dress .

"Nervous ?" she sat on my bed .

"yea " i nodded sitting next to her .

"you shouldn't be , you're wonderful ." she started tearing up " you're mother would be so proud of you ! "

"really ?"

"of course she would ! who wouldn't be proud of an angel like you ? oh sweet heart i'm gonna miss you so much !"

"I'm gonna miss you too Olga . but you don't have to quit your job for me , neither does Ramallo . Honestly , i'll be fine."

"Don't try to convince me . If you're not in the house then i don't want to be either , and as for my husband , well i think after the fight he had with Herman over this , you know that he feels just as strongly about this as me ."

"But what will you do without jobs ?"

"Don't you worry about that , we'll make do . Now it's time for your performance ."

I walked back down to the living room with Olga where a small stage was set up for my performance .

I stood there under the spotlight and looked around at all the guests . Suddenly my stomach was in knots . I felt terrified . The spotlight was too hot . Oh no i was going through stage fright . And then to add to that , a string of facts flashed through my mind . I won't see my dad again for almost a year . My dad was willing to give me up for Jade . Later tonight i'll be flying to a school i've never seen in my life . I'll never get to enroll in this great music school called Studio 21 and i was really excited about that . My life will never be the same .

The music started .

i started singing .

"In The dark , we can see "

My life will never be the same .

"Feel you hand touching me "

Everything will change .

"run away from the world outside we know "

Things are never gonna be the they were .

"In your lips i confide "

My relationship with my dad , my only family member is over forever .

"In our love we can hide ."

And i puked . right there and then . before being able to get to the middle of my song . Ruining my dress and polluting the stage . Embarrassing myself and my dad in front of all of the guests .


ok so i know i keep saying that i won't write any more fanfics but i can't help it ok !!!

hope you enjoyed the prologue for sunshine academy .Jade and Violetta's dresses are up-top or on the side depending on what gadget you're using , also here's the song Violetta sings which The Lover In Me by Selena Gomez :

(external link )

Cast List :

Violetta : Martina Stoessel

Jade : Florencia Benitez

Olga : Mirta Wons

Herman : Diego Ramos

Ramallo : Alfredo Allende

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