Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Camilla's POV

I ran as fast as I could. I narrowly missed running into trees. All I could think about was the thing I saw. How can someone do something like that ! It was horrid, and I had to get help. I could feel wild plants scratching my legs as I ran. I was pretty sure I was bleeding, but I couldn't stop. My sides started hurting, thankfully, the academy came into view. I barged through the front doors and into Mr. Matias' classroom. All heads turned to me. Mr. Matias looked up from his book and gave me his attention.

"I need Brianna, Maxi and Violetta to come with me right now. It's an emergency."

Jona looked at me quizzically. I didn't mean to leave her out, I just said the first names that came to mind. Maybe it's for the best, she was starting up some tension yesterday, unknowingly, and we don't need that now. Mr. Matias let them join me without asking questions.

"We need to find Cartman." I stated as soon as we were all out of earshot.

"He said he was going to look for Kenny at the hospital wing." Said Maxi.

"Ok let's go then."

"What's going on ?" asked Brianna as we almost jogged to the hospital wing.

"Trust me, this isn't something I can just tell you. You'll have to see it."

"Fine then, let's find Cartman."

When we got to the hospital wing, Cartman was there, checking the beds and the different sections, in an attempt to find Kenny.

"Eric." I called out. "You have to come with us right now."

"What are you kids doing here?" asked the nurse, angrily.

"There's no time to talk, Eric come on !" I insisted.

" Why aren't you all in class ?" she asked again, but Eric was already following us out the door.

"This better be important you guys, I need to keep looking for Kenny."

"Trust me this is important." I assured. "I have a Swiss-army knife on me, does anyone else have anything sharp?"

"I have a knife too." Answered Cartman.

"Good, we're going to need them. We have to be hasty ok ? I left him all alone."

I led them through the woods, trying to hurry as much as possible  without losing them. When they saw what I had seen, the shock seemed to hit them harder than it did me. Especially Cartman.

"Kenny !" he screamed, getting on his knees and trying to cut the rope from around his boyfriend.

I took out my knife and knelt on the other side and tried to break the rope, but my blade was too small and the rope was too thick. However I tried and I was slowly making progress.

"How did you know he was here?" asked Cartman, his voice shaking.

"I was taking a walk and I found him like this."

He was roped to a tree, his face a mess of red and blue, his arms restrained behind him. He looked as if he'd been out here all night. He was seated on the floor, so some bug or another could've crawled up his legs. Cartman managed to cut the rope, and caught Kenny before he fell forwards.

"Kenny, Kenny who did this to you ?" He cried, seating an unconscious Kenny in his lap. The poor boy started moving and mumbling gibberish. At the very least, we know he's not dead. "I'm here Kenny, please wake up. Who did this to you?"

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