Hate List

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I have this book called "Hater Girl" which is basically a book where i rant about things and talk about what i hate. My last update was about Violetta, and since i don't think i'll be able to update Sunshine Academy soon, i decided to post that hate chapter here, as sort of a treat. It's basically a list of reasons why i hate Violetta (the show) hope you enjoy:

... So here is a list of things i hate about Violetta.

1- Violetta, the main character, has like over 10 guys falling for her in the span of what 2-3 years ? It's like the guys take one look at her and BAM love at first sight! Don't believe me? Well i don't really watch much of the show so i probably don't know all the guys that fell for her but here are the one that i know :
Thomas, Leon, Diego, Broduey, Clement, guy from some band, Braco, and Federico.

That makes eight, which yea is less than 10 but is still a DAMN LOT !!!

2- Violetta's personality is too unrealistic, NO TEENAGER IN THE WORLD IS THAT DAMN NICE !!! It just doesn't happen.

3- Despite being waaay too much of a good person, she is also a major hypocrite. She goes off on her dad for lying to her, and accuses Jade of being a bad person, when she's done plenty of underhanded things, such as dressing up as Ludmila to see if the guy she still likes even though she has a boyfriend will kiss her or not. Lies to her dad about going to one school, then going to the school she knows he doesn't want her to go to. As a result she makes him look like an idiot on several occasions. Or what about the time she wouldn't speak to her dad and went all boohoo when she found out that he was posing as a teacher in the studio and pretending to be someone else so he'll be able to watch her. But then she goes ahead and does the same thing to her boyfriend!!! Her dad only did it because he was worried about her and he knew she wouldn't tell him what's bothering her so he just wanted to make sure his little girl is okay. Violetta did it because she was jealous.

4- Lara. I just don't like her.

5- The dances are horrifying.


7- Whoever made the show thought it would be a good idea to get a bunch of adults to play a bunch of high-school students.

8- The characters that are supposed to be super talented and have great voices are played by actors that can't sing to save their lives. Aka Fede and Ludmilla and i'm sure there's more.

9- The disguises that both Violetta and Herman wear to make others think they're different people, are terrible. Like it's obvious they're the same people. All they do is slap on a wig and change they're outfits. Add a horrible accent to the batch and there you go. Like is everyone around them so blind that they can't tell the difference ?

10- Violetta suddenly waltzes in to the picture, and takes Camilla's best friend away from her and the writers didn't think anyone should even comment on that. Not even poor Camilla.

11- Thomas is a fucking idiot.

12- Every fucking character is a motherfucking model !!! Ok not all of them, but they might as well be. All the characters are extremely good looking. The studio is supposed to be a school for talents. So this show is basically telling young people that all talented people are hot. Like, if you're not hot you're not talented.

13- There's only one black guy. The studio is supposed to house students from all over the world. So why is there only one black guy?

14- The plot is repetitive and unrealistic .

15- Most teenager girls Violetta's age can't really relate to her because most girls her age don't live in fancy houses , being spoiled by their rich daddies, and adored by every guy that lays eyes on them. Or have a secret family they know nothing about.

16- For some reason, a guy marrying his dead wife's sister doesn't really sit well with me.

17- If Jade really loved Herman that much couldn't she have just made some real effort to connect with Violetta ?

18- even though Violetta called Jade a bad person in the first season, we see later on that Jade naturally swerves towards good but then her brother messes with her head. I honestly don't think she would really send her to a boarding school. And if she did, i'd blame Violetta's dad and not her. Jade is treated poorly.

19- What is even the point of the show? What is there to learn from it? Do what you're passionate about and you'll succeed? Love conquers all ? I'm sorry to tell you this, bur that's not how life works.

20- Wouldn't it have been great if there was a gay character on the show? Like ok it's a kids show and the episode of Good Luck Charlie with a lesbian couple got
Booted off the air, but still, all the drama on Violetta isn't really for children anyway, and i'm not asking for a gay relationship, just a character that's not straight. That would've been interesting.

21- The same songs are repeated 5382920&282919191827181991818181 times.

22- We all know that you simply do not date your best friend's ex. And you certainly do not date the man who toyed with her emotions, lied to her, plotted against her, deceived her, and hurt her so much, all this while knowing what she has to go through at home what with her having no mother and an obsessive father. If i were Fran, i wouldn't kiss Diego, i'd make sure he ends up six feet under ground, no matter how hot he is.

23- Violetta can just magically change people for the best !!!

Violetta meets BULLY Leon, and turns him into nice caring Leon.

Violetta meets evil Diego, and turns him into good person Diego.

And she eventually succeeds in changing Ludmilla.

Like no, people don't change that easily. I'm sorry.

24- Violetta is a horrible girlfriend.

25- Antonio dies. I will never forgive you for that.

26- Leon goes into coma, Violetta kisses Leon, Leon wakes up from coma. Please explain this !!! This isn't "romantic" this is nonsense.
You don't just wake people up with kisses !!!

27- By the end of the series, Violetta is still a teenager and yet, Leon is supposedly her true love. Like no, they're kids.

28- It would've been cool, if in the end, Violetta would look back at all the pain relationships have brought her, and thought: Nah Dawg, i'm done with this shit! I don't need a man to be happy ! I'm fine by myself !!

But no, they paired everyone with someone.

Now i'm not saying that it's a bad show, i mean it's an okay show.

Someone who deserves love is the actor that plays Violetta's father because his performance is amazing, he's awesome and by far the best talent on the show !

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