Chapter 14

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Violetta's POV

I thought for sure that Diego would be skipping classes today as well , I was mistaken . Here he was sitting in his seat , the seat that neighbored mine , in first period history . Mr. La Fontaine was wrapping up The Holocaust lesson which we have been learning for the past three weeks . But Diego paid no attention to me , he just stared at the board wearing the blankest of expressions .

"I know a lot of you don't like history , you think it doesn't relate to you , but if you really look at life you'll see that history repeats itself , what the people before us lived is what we live today ."

I thought about his words , they were wise to say the least . The victims of the holocaust were tortured and killed over something they couldn't actually control . They were forced to live in fear , never able to foretell who will be taken away next . That's exactly what we're going through here . wait , is that what Matias meant ? Does he know something ? Is it possible that he's aware of the truth ?

"Camilla " he called " would you be so kind as to pass these papers to your friends ?"

Cami nodded taking the stack of papers from him and walking between the rows of desks , giving one to each student. When I received mine , I was immediately taken aback by the title "Conspiracy Theories ."

"Conspiracy theories are a big part of our modern world " he explained " We have conspiracy theories about everything ! Area 51 , Stonehenge , 9-11 and even the holocaust . The importance of conspiracy theories , is even though they often sound silly , they reflect a massive expanse of reasoning and an even bigger expanse of imagination. We need conspiracy theories or reasoning of the like in our lives because if we always believe what people tell us , we'll end up as complete sheep , clueless , defenseless and utterly hopeless against the many evils of the world . Most of the time those evils take on the form of governments or authorities , they look intimidating and they have the power to kill whoever they want but remember that governments and authorities are not immortal gods , they are formed of groups of human beings just like us , and they are far from invincible . Gandhi's revolution against the British is a model example ."

Ok he definitely knows something .

"Now , I'm going to divide you in groups of two , each group must read the text I just gave you and answer the questions at the back of the paper ." he announced .

He started reading names , Camilla got paired with Maxi , Natalia with Leon , Ludmilla with Federico , Brianna with a girl named Savanna , some guy named Lex with a girl called Rosalinda ... I didn't pay attention to the rest of the list but my ears did perk up when I heard Diego's name . He was paired with Sheila and I was paired with a girl named Veronika .

Veronika had bright green hair and was dressed in a pale blue top and black ripped jeans . She seemed nice enough , and sat next to me with a smile .

"Hello , I'm Veronika ." she greeted with a british accent .

"I'm Violetta ." I smiled back .

"Very nice to meet you . Shall we start ?"

"sure "

Veronika finished reading the text almost 3 minutes before me .

"You're really fast."

"Well , I do read a lot ." she answered smiling . I swear her smile was contagious .

"Wow , I hate reading ."

"Yea I get that a lot ." she smiled "but I'm best friends with Camilla so I always have someone to talk to about the subject ."

"Really ? I never see you two hang out ." I blurted out without thinking . Her features morphed into a sad expression . Great job Vilu !

"yea we kind of drifted apart after she started dating Maxi ."

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