Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Violetta's POV

There was a tree in the nearby woods where Diego , Broduey and Raini always hung out . It was their spot . It was an apple tree. An apple tree that could no longer bear fruit . It was Broduey's favorite tree , and that's where we set up the shrine .

On a circular piece of wood , we had glued his pictures and then laminated them so they wouldn't get ruined by rain . The flowers we pinned to the trunk of the tree all around the piece of wood , were fake and pretty and a product we bought from the town and will probably live longer than all of us .

Under that , a slat was placed , a rectangular piece of wood that said : In Loving Memory Of Our Brother.

We didn't write his name because what would be the use of that ? If people passed by and saw the shrine , it would be of no importance to alert them of his name , or if one of us came back to remember him , we wouldn't think of his name . What needed to be said , is what mattered the most , and that is that he was loved and deserved to be loved , not what he was called .

Finally , under the tree , there was a small box which we buried under the dirt , it had all his belongings in it . This was Raini's idea . She was upset that he wouldn't have a proper burial , so this way , she had thought , at least part him will be able to rest . I guess she thought that what he wore , read and used on a daily basis was part of him , and in a way she was right . so it was sort of like a funeral really .

We decided against eulogies , because we all felt that having to think long and hard about what to say would interfere with the reality of our love for him . Diego thought that short spontaneous words that were honest in their core would be more respectful than eulogies . So we all carved a little something in the tree .

Raini was up first to carve : "Best Brother Ever "

Then everyone else . I simply wrote :"You will be missed ."because I didn't know him enough to write

something deep . and then it was Diego's turn :"Angels don't belong in this world anyway ."

I cried . We all cried and then it started raining and everyone left , except for me , Diego and Raini .

"He's never coming back ."she cried in a cracked voice .

"Dead people usually don't ." answered Diego .

Then he turned around to leave , Raini followed and then so did I . and the only one who stayed was the rain .

Jake's POV

I went back to my room and made sure everything was ready for when Raini came . I knew she'd want some time alone so I left with the rest while she stayed behind with Diego and Vilu .

The door opened , she walked in . She was drenched , she looked numb and she was probably going to get sick . I turned the knob on my mini-heater , which my dad bought me last year when he visited , after he saw how shitty this place was , and turned the heat on for her .

"Baby , you're gonna get a cold . I'll run you a hot bath and get you some dry clothes , yea ?"

She nodded and I headed into the bathroom , thankful to have my own bathroom because she didn't have one in hers and she hated the co-ed bathrooms .

When she came out , she had a towel wrapped around her and she looked so beautiful but so numb and I hated that .

I got some boxers , a hoodie and a pair of sweats from my closet and handed them to her . I turned around while she got dressed then led her to bed where I had my laptop , and a box of her favorite chocolate cookies .

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