Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Violetta's POV

The first one in my room after Sheila was Johnson , and while I tried to clear some space on the floor so we could sit , they went over the games they were planning for the night . The next to knock was Maxi , however he did not have the liquor he was supposed to bring . Next came Federico and Brianna with black garbage bags filled with snacks they stole from the school's kitchen . And finally came Diego armed with his old camcorder . It was an old beat-up machine and I bet that the camera on my phone could record a better video but I didn't bother bringing it up . After all , my family was rich , his obviously wasn't . And yet when it comes to it , money doesn't matter . We both ended up in the same shit-hole .

After we were all seated a knock sounded on the door. We froze .what if it was Syndrome ? Oh my goodness ! My heart raced and in the seconds it took for Brianna to answer the door , my palms were already sweaty . I really don't feel like getting electrocuted over this stupid party .

However behind the door , was not Syndrome , but Leon and Ludmilla . Oh joy .

"What do you want ?" asked Brianna rudely .

"Calm down we just want to hang out ." explained Leon .

"Well go hang out somewhere else ." shot Brianna .

"Oh come on guys , we have something you don't have ." he smirked .

"Yea and what's that ?" challenged Federico from his spot on the floor .

"Booze " he clarified waving a whole box of the stuff in our faces .

Everyone turned to look at me . As if asking for my permission to let him In .I slowly nodded despite the fact that I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than deal with those two jerks .

"Ok come in " sighed Brianna opening the door fully for them to come inside .

But where was Broduey ?

Broduey's POV

I knew I was late to the party , I knew it . I've been standing in my room starring at my door for too long trying to plan my apology . Should I sneak back into town , hoping that Lena's still open to buy Raini some "I'm sorry" flowers ? no that's too risky , especially with a killer on the loose . But I had to figure out a way to apologize to her .Ok , I just have to step up to her and just say that I'm sorry . And then after we make up I could invite her to the mini-party and everything will be perfect again .Well , as perfect as it can be in this place.

I made my way through the dark hallways of the school . Every step I made seemed to make the wooden floor creak as if screaming in pain , and I do mean screaming because it was anything but silent . For a split second , the thunder illuminated the dark hallway through one of the huge windows . One of the walls in one of the hallways sported old paintings , all of which looked horrifying in the dark .

Rain started pouring outside .for a minute I thought it was funny , apologizing to Raini on a Rainy night . The sentence just sounded comical to me . And as I was deep in thought I heard a crash . I turned around then turned a corner to see a broken vase on the ground . That was odd considering fragile ornaments aren't usually kept in the hallways where any student can break them.

Behind the vase a door opened . Hesitantly I walked forward and looked inside .


Camilla's POV

I finished my report for English . I decided to go with The Fault In Our Stars after all . Basically because I knew that critiquing an author wouldn't go against the rules that the teacher set for us .

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