Another thing

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I also posted this on my Hater Girl book and i'm posting it here. If you're wondering about the next chapter, it's planned out, i just need to find time to write it.
Anyway, till then, enjoy Why i think there should be a gay character on Violetta :

This hate is about something i mentioned before, the fact that there are no gay characters on Violetta.
Some would argue that Violetta is a children's show broadcasted on a family channel, which is Disney. And so, i am here to tell you that that argument is invalid.

A- Violetta is certainly NOT. A show for children, it's barely a show for tweens. Why ?

1- The entire plot is so damn complicated, i honestly can't see children understanding it or even parents letting their kids watch it.

2- The familial issues on the show definitely indicate that this isn't a show for children. Apparently Violetta has a secret aunt and grandmother that her father never wanted her to meet because ??? And so she grew up without a mother and thinking that her father is the only family she has, while the other members of her family are desperate to find her. This show is practically a soap-Opera.

3- Jade is obviously suffering of mental and psychological illnesses. Other than the fact that she's basically retarded, she gets obsessive over Herman and instead of getting her help, everyone Around her, including her brother, treats her awfully and takes advantage of her lack of intelligence. Which honestly, is very cruel.

4- Gregorio, a teacher at the studio, has a son he never knew about. They never mention it, but what else could that mean ? He went to a foreign country, had a one night stand and left. OR he had a relationship with a woman then left her and that woman CHOSE not to tell him about Diego. Honestly i think the first option is more probable because if it's a one night stand the woman would have no way of contacting him, so she couldn't tell him about Diego. Honestly there's no way of getting a kid-friendly explanation for this.

5- Blackmail is shown repeatedly in the show, usually by Ludmilla. I think her worst plot yet was blackmailing Diego into tricking Violetta to fall in love with him so he could later on break her heart, in exchange for information about his father. HOW IS IT OK TO EXPOSE CHILDREN TO THAT ?!

6- During the show, Ludmilla continuously refers to Maxi, her friend's boyfriend, as her "boy toy". Let me ask you this, do you know what "Boy Toy" means ?
I looked up the definition in Merriam Webster, here's what i found:

" Boy Toy : a usually young man considered as an object of sexual desire "

I don't think i need to explain this any further.

Now that we've established A that Violetta is NOT a show for children, let's move on to B.

B- The show focuses on a lot of social problems, and hassles that most teenagers have to go through. Examples :

- Being the new girl at school.

- Being bullied.

- Being poor.

- Being a single parent.

- Loving someone that doesn't love you back.

- Jealousy

- Break ups

So why shouldn't being gay be added to the batch? Why not show the young adults watching, how cruel homophobia can be by having Ludmilla taunt the new gay guy in the studio. Why not show them that with his friends, set gay guy, can get through it?

The problems in this show mirror different realities, real people go through stuff like that, and guess what? Homophobia is a HUGE problem right now. Whether some people like it or not, homosexual relationships exist in society, and so putting them in tv shows isn't "making our kids gay" as some incredibly intelligent homophobes would say (note the sarcasm), it's simply portraying the reality we live in . Even if you don't like it, you shouldn't oppose them being in the media because after all, these stories are inspired by real life.

And isn't it a bit unrealistic that all these people, coming from all around the world, are ALL straight? Aren't there at least any bisexuals in the
Mix ?
Isn't that sort of saying that the norm should be heterosexual?

I'm not saying they should show a gay relationship, that's what got a really good episode of Good Luck Charlie booted off the air, but like have a male character say something along the lines of :

" I don't like girls." Or "That guy is pretty cute."

Like just make one character say that once ! That's it! Is that really too much to ask ?

Or why not a transgender character ?

There are TONS of students in the studio that came from all around the world, so i honestly don't think that's
A lot to ask.

But what can you expect from a school that only has 1 black student when their students are supposed to have came from everywhere.
(Racist much?)

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